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Explain why leadership has been defined in so many different ways?

Leadership can be defined as a procedure of communal persuasion, in this process an entity influences other to join him in order to achieve the common objectives. Leadership is a diverse conception; hence, it cannot be restricted to a single context. Leadership is categorized by different styles and traits. The leadership styles and traits adapted by leaders are symbol of their identity. Leadership is defined in so many different ways because the specified meaning of term leadership is viewed differently under diverse contexts. The core meaning of leadership is similar in every context that defines the conception.

However, the detailed illustrations of the term vary as per the characteristics associated with the term. There are different styles and traits of leadership that govern the decision making criteria of leaders. In terms of preferences to a particular style or trait, there are diverse arguments suggesting different concepts regarding the term. Some sources assert that affiliative style of leadership is most appropriate to adapt; nonetheless, others argue that coercive and oriented styles must be adapted as per the requirement of situation (Chemers, 1997, 66-73).

There are substantial amendments made to the definitions of leadership previously suggested by researchers and scholars. Hence, it can be interpreted that leadership is a diverse conception and its true concept is being explored till today. Another reason behind variance in definitions of leadership is the occurrence of leadership in diverse fields such as management, marketing, law, medical and social sciences. The occurrence of leadership is acknowledged by the fields prescribed above; nonetheless, the perception of leader in each field is different. This is also the reason due to which leadership is defined in so many different ways.

Question 2: How leadership can be described as an individual, dyadic, group or organisational process?

As per its categorization, leadership can be classified into different processes ranging from individual to organisational context. Leadership as per its definition is the process of stimulating the followers towards the achievement of common objectives. These objectives are designed at organisational level and comply with the mission and vision statement of an organisation. The mission and vision of an organisation are the pathways to the destination preferred by the company. Nonetheless, the objectives defined by the leaders in different organisations are directed at achievement of these objectives (Messick, Kramer, 2005, 45-52).

This defines leadership as an organisational process as the leaders stimulate the performance of their followers in order to achieve objectives designed by the organisation. Nonetheless, the process of achieving objectives via the stimulation governed by a leader can also be a dyadic process in a context where an organisation has distributed tasks among different teams. Suppose a team comprises two individuals among which an individual acts as a leader and directs the activities of a team then achievement of objectives through leadership becomes a dyadic process as it favours both individuals comprising a team.

Similarly, when a leader directs the activities of a group then ...
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