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Answer 1:

Nancy's work behavior can be classified according to the three "P": Productivity (what has been achieved); Personal characteristics (how it is achieved, the behavior); and Expertise (skill).

Productivity can be measured by specific occupational achievements, such as the overall performance of Nancy for two consecutive appraisal cycles, which includes the ten thousand dollar accounting mistake.

Personal characteristics of Nancy such as motivation, acceptance of criticism, collaboration, initiative, responsibility and personal appearance (grooming and clothing) can also be considered. The assessment of personal characteristics is useful, but reflects more personal attributes than the performance of tasks.

However, it should be noted that when personal characteristics are part of the evaluation of performance, these features must be related to the task.

Before going in detail pertaining to the issue of performance evaluation, it is essential that the meeting should be conducted in a positive and relaxed atmosphere. It is essential to have a place without distractions or interruptions. When the time comes to talk about the performance, the employee should be encouraged to provide explanations about her behavior. Being responsible for the human capital, it is important the Human Resource Mangers should carefully listen to the replies of the employee in question and take notes if needed, and should not interrupt the employee except on questions that might clarify a topic.

A good start is important and positive ice breakers can be utilized to alleviate the mental pain when the Human Resources Manger will be providing negative feedback to Nancy.

To alleviate this situation some humor or personal experience related to the feedback is essential.

“Sometimes I comment how bad I got that once, during a performance evaluation I received negative feedback. My boss told me I had perceived communication problems with some people from the company! And I thought that communication was one of my strengths! So I broke down for a few days. I remember my first reaction was to blame the idiosyncrasies of the company, and then blame the other people they told me I was not communicated well ... but after a few days I realized that the feedback was successful and that I should take it as an opportunity for improvement. Even today, after a few years, I'm working on it and I know I have much room for improvement in this regard” (Arthur 1997).

It should be noted that the employee - Nancy knows her daily work quite well and how she can improve the quality of her work. The employee may be the most important individual in evaluating their own performance. However, the worker also has a vested interest in positive evaluations and be highly motivated from external evaluation.

For critical discussions, it is important for Human Resources Personnel to bear facts, specific incidents or behaviors, which provide measurable impact on Nancy's performance on the overall performance of the organization, in order to boast objectivity with the following statements: "Yesterday I learned of the accounting mistake which made me very worrisome; however, I first want to hear your opinion and your ...
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