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Question # 1

Impact of United Kingdom Government Policies on Social Exclusion

United Kingdom government policy and Social Exclusion

The basic concept of term “social exclusion” in the United Kingdom was formally come on front with the formation of interdepartmental unit of Social Exclusion by the government of United Kingdom in the year 1997. After this step of government of UK, a new unit for England is also formed that only includes or look after only Social Exclusion issues of England, instead of responsible for other issues like poverty in England. This is a new and creative step taken by UK government after creating a new unit for social exclusion. After this, when other government sees positive results, they also moved towards this step and then it is a common practice all over the world, like in Scotland, there is a completely separate unit named as 'Scottish Social Inclusion Strategy' and in Wales, the name of unit monitoring social exclusion issues is 'Building an Inclusive Wales'. The objective behind setting up of Social Exclusion Unit was to manage a unit that was directly report to the UK prime minister and also give s their reports on how UK can develop sustainable and integrated approaches to solve problems including drugs, crime, community breakdown, bad schools, and unemployment, etc. (Social Exclusion Unit, 2001).

As the main objective of the formation of Social Execution unit within the United Kingdom is to find an effective method and approach to solve basic problems of society; therefore, it is very considerable effect of government policies on the Social Execution Unit and its work effectiveness. The government is the only authority that can question this unit on the solutions of the problems that may be occurred in the society and this unit has to give answer with proper facts, as it is accountable to government. If this unit of social exclusion informs government about the solution of high increasing rate of unemployment and government does not take action due to its policy, then how this unit can affect the country. In this way, we can say that government policies play a very significant role in solving problem of society and Social Execution Unit can only provide help in achieving this task by providing proper planning analysis for this goal of solving problems.

Developing new government policy for Social Execution Unit

The policy presented by the UK government for the Social Execution Unit in 1997 does not provides the effective results or cannot provide the results expected by the government. After this failure, government of United Kingdom understands that the major reason behind this failure is the faults present in the previous policy (Saraceno, 2001, P 9-13). Therefore, in 1998-9, government of UK develops new policy for this unit on the basis of previous results. During development process of new policy for Social Execution Unit, government of UK considers following points as the reason of failure for the previous presented policy.

The lack of generating effective policies of government to address the causes of structure ...
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