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Education Assessment and Assurance for College

Education Assessment and Assurance for College

1.1 Monitoring of activities as per the requirements

Activities can be planned for monitoring the candidates internal quality assurer includes:

Agreement trials

Based on the assessment systems, assessors work jointly to judge candidates work. Assessors come to the general understanding based on the assessment system by discussing the inconsistency and share their understandings. Involvement of the internal verifiers can be very helpful for attaining consent.

Dual assessment

Candidates can be assessed by two different assessors. Making a team of new and experienced assessors is very common. This process encourages the supportive and mutual working.

Cross assessment

Candidate's data is exchanged between the assessors for the verification of their results and understandings. It is not for the purpose of making all assessors to use the same material and same procedures for the assessment process. It is supposed to be relevant to proof within centre. It can also be used as traverse centres. It is mostly used by training employers and providers, and larges colleges.

Evidence review

In this process, candidate's evidences are assessed and assessors are asked about the inconsistencies among their personal decisions and findings by bringing together the internal verifiers. This results in development of professionalism and collective understanding.

Double marking

It is used with written supports. It is a type of cross assessment in which assessors swap over their data about same candidate to test out one another's analysis.

Blind marking

It is also used with the written facts. Blind marking is helpful to reduce bias, by an assessor unintentionally. In one type of blind marking, two assessors mark the candidate's facts and each one is uninformed about the other's marking. Differences in the marking are solved later on. In another type of blind marking, by removing the candidates name evidences are made to be unidentified.


Activity of standardization should be following all the way through the assessment process in order to maintain uniformity of the assessor's decisions. Reports of the standardization activities together with the assessor's feedback should be set aside as support of in house authentication activity. It also should be confirmed that standardization is conceded crossways with partnership planning and manifold sites for the centres (City & guilds, 2006, n.d.).

Arrangements for internal monitoring activities

The arrangements for in house observation of activities will entail research and cooperation:

Evaluate the assessor and explore the dates for observations of the assessors.

Make sure that candidates are understand about that their assessor's performances are monitored not their own.

Arrange visits of the workplace and set up for things if any types of protective are required.

Check out all resource requirements and book the rooms for the implementation of standardization activity.

Make sure that all are using the necessitated documents and check out if there are any updates about the qualifications of the awarded organization.

Ensure about the use of related resources to be used in IQA process and assessment including hardware, paperwork and software.

Prepare questions for the assessors and for other related to this process which must include the indulgence of the functions of legal issues and ...
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