
Read Complete Research Material



Part 1 (Formal Research and Business Proposal)

A formal research is a formal, systematic and intensive in which the method is applied scientifically. Quantitative formal research methodologies are most often associated with scientific investigation of quantifiable properties and their relationships. It uses mathematical models, theories, and hypotheses to measure and portray the empirical associations found in natural phenomena. It is frequently the research methodology employed for inquiry in natural science and social science fields such as physics, biology, psychology, and sociology. Qualitative research methodologies provide a means of gaining deeper understandings of human behaviors and the factors that influence those behaviors. The nature of human interactions is dynamic and may be reshaped by myriad factors (Creswell, 2009). Therefore, qualitative methodology offers multiple means of inquiry that are flexible and adaptable within a more fluid research protocol. Qualitative research explores the why and how of a phenomenon and provides opportunities for a researcher to go beyond the quantitative questions of how many and to what extent an experience may occur.

Similarly, the choice of a quantitative formal research design requires the researcher to formulate an initial, specific hypothesis that will serve to guide the study. Thought and planning must be incorporated into the development of instruments and methods for measurement. Variables must be identified and their control and manipulation must be factored into the research design (Chambers, 2008).

Qualitative research studies use small, in-depth samples from which to derive data. The most frequently used data collection strategies include the following:

Interviews. These may be done one-on-one or in a group setting either in person or via telephone; information may be audio- or videotaped for transcription analysis.

Observations. These are direct, firsthand accounts as derived by the researcher in either a concealed or known role; they may also include the participant as an observer.

Documents. These include the researcher's field notes, journals, or other printed materials such as newspapers, minutes of meetings, or other public documents.

Audiovisual materials. Photographs, videotapes, or artwork are among materials used in data collection procedures.

Following are the eight major steps involved during the typical research process:

Problem definition

Hypothesis development

Research design

Secondary data research

Sample design

Data collection

Data Analysis

Testing hypothesis

Conclusion and recommendations

A business plan describes how you will go to the new company. This is the stage where most entrepreneurs fail; they have rarely done one before and are not technically prepared for their development. In addition to providing guidance for developing the future business, the business plan is important to determine the resources required. It is essential for the development of the next steps. To start a business a business plan is develop that is made by the Entrepreneur or by the management and it specifies what task are to be made and it describes the mission of the organization. And to achieve that mission and vision statement how the organization should perform and make people under them to work on it (Zikmund, 2003).

The advantage of a business plan is that it facilitates the interpretation of the different circumstances where they are to develop the activities of ...
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