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BlueScope Steel

BlueScope Steel


 The report of BlueScope Steel observed all the company data such as activities, actual financial results and foundation of BlueScope Steel which prejudiced latest direction and performance of company. The report will actually be of substantial attention mainly to appropriate senior company, executives, officials, consultants, and development officers.

BlueScope Steel is Australian manufacturer of rolled steel, which has manufacturing sites in New Zealand Australia, North America and Asia Pacific. BlueScope Steel was developed in 2002 as BHP Steel from BHP Billiton and on November 17 2003, the company renamed as BlueScope Steel. It is listed on the Australian Stock Exchange. Headquarter of the company is basically located in a skyscraper. The company has approximately 17,500 employees. The largest manufacturing plant located in Port Kembla , near Wollongong , in the Australian state of New South Wales . Annual production at this plant is 5 million tons of steel. The company produces slabs, hot-rolled steel, automotive and galvanized steel, steel coated with zincalume (55% aluminum), and painted steel brand colorbon. Productions of tin were terminated in March 2007.


Australia's BlueScope Steel Smelting Company sells U.S. subsidiary concern Metl-Span. It is reported by Metal Bulletin. The deal is estimated at 145 million BlueScope expects to receive a record profit after its implementation. The funds will be spent to pay off existing debts. As you know, Metl-Span manufactures metal panels for commercial, industrial buildings, refrigeration units, as well as roofing and architectural panels. Recall that BlueScope Steel in the first half of the current fiscal year recorded a loss amounting to 530 million Australian dollars (570.7 million dollars). Nevertheless; the corporation added that laid the foundation for a return to profitability. BlueScope Steel Company is the leader in the steel industry in Australia and New Zealand. In these countries, is holding most of the flat steel market. BlueScope Steel sells products to customers from Australia to Asia, New Zealand, USA, Middle East and Europe.


This success and mission of BlueScope Steel completely depends on communities which are supporting products and business of the company. BlueScope Steel takes complete care and they have concern for the location and environment, it respects and encourages local values and involvement. The main strength of BlueScope Steel is basically in deciding the right thing for company.

BlueScope Steel basically chooses the right thing by customers, shareholders, communities, and employees. The entire team of employees in BlueScope Steel has basically found many ways to merge their efforts with all the resources of the company to make these communities in the best way. BlueScope Steel engaged in a variety of program with all the concern on water, safety, shelter, education, culture, and arts in 2010.

People of BlueScope in Australia and New Zealand had family and friends, directly affected by the earthquake occurred in Christchurch and floods occurred in Queensland. In both the incidents Employees of the company generously donate to help the victims and they coordinated in fundraising.

Steel in New Zealand dedicated $500,000 in building solutions and in steel ...
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