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The purpose of this paper is to enlighten and explore The Westbury Hotel and Thomas Cook industry in a holistic manner. The core objective of the paper is twofold. First, the paper will discuss The Westbury Hotel and Thomas Cook industry and its historical background. Secondly, the paper will focus on the roles and responsibilities of The Westbury Hotel and Thomas Cook managers; moreover, the paper will also discuss effective strategies that can be implemented in the The Westbury Hotel and Thomas Cook industry. The Westbury Hotel and Thomas Cook industry cannot be regarded as a different industry, as tourists - are primarily consumers with diverse needs, including specific, depending on the goals and motives of travel, as well as on a number of points. However, the tourists are first and foremost consumers in general; therefore, The Westbury Hotel and Thomas Cook industry should be viewed as a whole because of the inseparable unity.

In the The Westbury Hotel and Thomas Cook industry, the demographic factors such as age and income influence the frequency of the visits by consumers. The trend shows that men visit ethnic restaurants more than women and that man dominates the dining out choices. According to diverse studies, the The Westbury Hotel and Thomas Cook industry is growing in diverse segments of the world; especially, in the United Kingdom. Nevertheless, the culture, museums, historical buildings and several visiting places in U.K are significantly influencing the growth of the The Westbury Hotel and Thomas Cook industry. However, diverse sources state that the time of hardship in inevitable. In addition, an organization must be aware about the forthcoming negative influence of internal and external factors of the market in order to construct, and implement effective coping strategies.

History of The Westbury Hotel and Thomas Cook Industry

When the old men ventured out for the first time tribal settlements, there were no hotels where they could stay, therefore, pitched their tents where they wished. The first travelers traded goods per stay. Undoubtedly, host was one of the first commercial, and The Westbury Hotel was one of the first services in exchange for money. The inns of biblical times offered a little more than a bed in the corner of the barn. Most of these establishments were private dwellings offered temporary accommodation for strangers. The rates were reasonable but the company was rude, travelers sharing rooms with the horses and cattle. In the third century of the Christian era, the Roman Empire developed an extensive system of roads lined with bricks in Europe and Asia Minor. It was not until the Industrial Revolution in the eighteenth century, when European taverns began to combine accommodation with food and beverage service. Despite this, hygiene received little attention. Travelers had to share beds and rooms, and rates were high. As the inns and taverns were inadequate for the aristocrats, were erected for these structures, luxurious private rooms, individual sanitation all the comforts of European castles. They adopted the word hotel and its rates exceeded the ...
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