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Case Project 14-2:

There is a serious requirement in the departments responsible foe the enforcement of law to make sure the dependability of tools of computer forensic, which means tools of forensic software time after time fabricate objective and accurate results. Hence, a demand of validating and verifying these tools has been raised recently (Jason & Jill, 2007). In the given case, the computer investigation firm needs to ask the police investigator for the authorization to all the evidence that has been gathered along with the case files in the custody of the police department. The following procedures would be followed by the computer investigation firm:

The test that might be used by the computer investigation firm to validate the police department's findings is a fraud assessment procedure tool, which centers on the approach of fraud hypothesis that has 4 chronological stages (Ilter, 2009):

Analysis of the data in hand: An examiner collects documented evidence showing complete dealing.

Development of a fraud premise: Depending on what is revealed throughout investigation, the fraud assessor comes up with a premise — constantly presumptuous of a worst-case situation — regarding what may have happened. The premise relates to one of the three key divisions of professional (internal) fraud: corruption, asset misappropriations or financial statements that are fraudulent.

Modifying it as required: If, such as, the particulars are unable to point to a kickback scheme, the fraud auditor has to come across for the likelihood of a billing proposal. Even bith the two proposals have a number of elements that are similar, the second one highlights the red flags.

Verifying it: Premise testing throught the combiniation of empirical evidence with theoretical elements.

Information systems resolving problems of knowledge are provided to solution seekers and knowledge workers. These systems are incorporated with Artificial intelligence which is applied in them.Such as, neural networks tools that are statistically oriented, which do extremely well in utilizing data to categorize cases into categories. One more model is expert systems, which can facilitate the information of one or a number of specialists to be utilized by a more broader team of employees calling for the information. Officer-to-application system can be successful only when it is developed on a systematic knowledge regarding law enforcements (Nelson, Phillips & Steuart, 2010).

Case Project 14-3:

Even though past decades have seen amplified interest within forensic sciences and significant technological advancements, research curiosity within crime laboratory operations began with the program of forensic ...
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