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Answer- 1:

Aspects of the lives of Paleolithic Hunter-Gathers and Neolithic settled farmers

I wont disagree with the statement that settled farming life was better than that lived by hunter-gatherers. However, I cant neglect the fact that Paleolithic Hunter-Gatherer life could be considered easier than that of very early, settled Neolithic farmers. This is due to following aspects.

A wide range of plant food , fish, mammals were available to hunter- gatherers. This was not available to the settled farmers.

Sedentary lifestyle was lived by the hunter-gatherers and with some social stratification. This may be assumed as there buried that were found later had some omate decorations made from shells.

The cultivation of crops could only be an issue that was impossible without global warming. However, domesticated plants and farming lifestyles had developed during the early Natufian rather than thoe sedentary hunter-gatherers being forced to return to mobile life styles. This could be considered as the negative aspect of the hunter-gatherers.

Answer 2:

Throughout Mesopotamian history, different liberties were experienced by the women and with each successive civilization their role changed. Women's status was greatly affected due to a patriarchal revolution, as higher standing was enjoyed by women in the earlier Mesopotamian periods. Women's status was dependent on the male family head's social status and property, in that phase of society. Individual rights have less worth over the social order, legitimacy should be ensured by sacrificing the sexuality of Women, Husband/Father Women should administered a family's wealth, especially divorcees and widows needed society's help. Under these axioms and principles discussed, Babylolians are seen the same as the Hammurabi law codes. Provision, is the clearest example of sacrificing the individual rights on the altar of social order. This means that, the builder's son would be spell to death, if collapsing of a new house occured and the owner's son is killed in it. The right for the wife should be preserved, The sexuality of a wife exclusively belonged to her husband only, wife, may or may not have been considered the property in the same way a son or daughter was considered. The punishment shall be perused as much as another serious theft in case of any interference.

Answer 3:

Geographical features greatly affect early civilizations. The daily task ithe live of many civilizations are determined from the geographic features of land. Even today the impact of geography on the live and work of the people is worth mentioning. The populations living at the height of Minoan Civilization on Crete vs. Classical Age Athens are greatly impacted by the geography. The religion and attitude of the civilization is greatly impacted by the geography. In terms of gender, class, etc. the impact of geography can not be neglected. Males and females of this society were greatly impacted due to the geography of the Minoan. I would like to prefer to live with females rather than males in suchg a society. This civilization seekds to address that their population is highly elite and the it is preferable to live with ...
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