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The public sector of the United Kingdom is currently experiencing diverse transformation. There are different companies and institutions that used to operate in public sector of the country are transformed into private structure. This is accompanied by the introduction and inclination of privatization in public sector of the United Kingdom. The country is experiencing inclining privatization and liberalization pressure. In addition, the regulatory authorities are monitoring number of public sector and country-based factors that could hinder the growth and development of economy as a consequence of privatization or modernisation.

There are several institutions operating in public sector of the United Kingdom such as Water and Energy, Transport and Education that are currently undergoing the process of modernisation and privatization in the United Kingdom. The results are based on the evaluation of diverse consequences experienced due to the privatization and liberalization of. After the inclination of privatization trend in the South and the Eastern European countries in transition, the United Kingdom is currently experiencing privatization drift in its public sector and institutions operating in it.

The United Kingdom has launched its global privatization processes to increasing criticism and this transformation process is subjected to controversial discussions about the impact of the process on the economic conditions of the country. Nonetheless, the concerned authorities are also worried about the transformation of the public sector and the after-effects that will be encountered by financial and money markets. Although, the concerned authorities in the United Kingdom have enlightened few systematic impacts representing the influence of privatization and so-called modernisation of public sector.

Accountability and Modernised in Public Sector

A new wave of modernisation by the government program in the United Kingdom is facilitated by different factors influencing the organizations operating in the public sector and their operations. The organizations operating in the modernised economy believed in technological obsolescence and strive to adapt contemporary practices for business. The development of independent public bureaucracies was vital to the rise of the modern state. Non-partisan public servants carrying out directives according to a set of rational rules and procedures are ideals of the modern bureaucracy. For Max Weber, the rise of such bureaucracies is a defining feature of modernisation itself. Public administration is the science and professional practice of civil service (Graham, Woo, 2009, 55-62).

Professional civil services have been associated with the rise of capitalism and industrial societies, as well as the transition from monarchical and authoritarian proto-democratic systems of governance. In particular, the rise of market-based exchanges created the need for state administrative apparatuses capable of enforcing contracts and imposing rules on newly emerging markets. By the late nineteenth century, governments throughout Europe and elsewhere had adopted civil service reforms that increased the independence of public bureaucracy and required that appointments be made based on demonstrated competence rather than patronage (Loveland, 1995, 44-71).

The establishment of public administration as a professional field is a twentieth-century development. Public administration today has its own knowledge base, schools of public administration and public policy to train practitioners, and professional associations - all hallmarks ...
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