Assignment 11

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Assignment 11

Assignment 11


British Petroleum (BP) is a multinational oil and gas private limited company in the United Kingdom with its headquarters in the London. It happens to be the fifth largest company in the world in terms of revenues and production. This company is vertically integrated and has its presence in all the major sectors of gas and oil. It is involved in extracting, distributing and marketing oil and gas in the world.

BP aims at working in an environment that motivates, attract, retain and develop the best it can from the diversity that the globe has to give. It strives to do the best that it can with its ability to compete successfully in the globally competitive market. At BP success is all about the energy that comes from different people that are hired for the purpose. This multinational lives out its values of respect, safety, courage, one team and excellence to create a working environment where every individual is given an opportunity to make a difference and give the best they have, to produce the best they can (BP, 2013). The next section of this report will provide brief analysis of the way BP provide support to its disable employees, how they develop their behavioral support plan, through what ways company encourage its disable employees to adopt to thechange.

Support to disable employees

BP petroleum being the largest oil manufacturing and selling companies ensures to provide a healty working environment whichgive high value to the rights and respect the self-esteem of every individual that is associated with the company (Beyer et al, 2010). Company believes on providing equal opportunity to every individual irrespective of its race, cast, religion and irrespective of the fact that person is suffering from any sort of disability provided that he/she should be competent enough to carry out assigned responsibilities within the deadline and with proper affection.

In case with disable employees company is acting in accordance with the instruction provided in the “American with disability act (ADA)” and with company equal employment opportunity policy and has made it crystal clear that false allegation of any sort of discrimination against employees suffering from any sort of disability would not be accepted (BP, 2013). Moreover, company has developed an affective policy for its disable employees and according to this policy every employee belonging to this category is provided high level support in every aspect of professional and ...