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Career: Nursing

Nursing is the best careers that can fulfill the needs of the society and let the individual serve it well. The issuance of the Nursing career is due to the need for a greater number of graduates in the country to meet a pressing demand. This is because nursing is considered worldwide as a resource highly critical, given the shortage of working professionals, without neglecting the scientific rigor and excellence in training.

The changes that are currently taking place in the process of health and disease, the epidemiological profiles and characteristics of the health system policies are reflected in the new trends for the practice of nursing, without losing its essence (NMC, 2012). They are contemplate the following fields of activity: advocacy services, prevention and community outreach, home care and self-care approaches on patient-centered care; contribution to ecosystem monitoring, prevention and postponement of the problems inherent to the aging process , care of emerging health problems and interventions during critical processes and disease.

A transition is experienced by nursing care systems which is the strategic opportunity to propose changes in the forms of service delivery and financing and sponsoring the essence of the practice. It tends to diversify the range of services and show the value and contribution of nursing to improve the quality of life of the population. Various universities are called upon to play a leading and fundamental role in the formation of new nursing professionals and to actively intervene, ensuring scientific update both undergraduate education and postgraduate and strong humanitarian basis.


The curriculum emphasizes the search for innovative models that promote the professionalization process, which meet the requirements of professional practice, to scientific and technological advances in the field of health and nursing, as well as to changes in the health system and its policies. In the issuance of this race, the education system will strengthen the cultural, leadership and professional and ethical values that guide our institution, to show that graduates successful on their practice and influence the improvement of health conditions of the populations served (NHS, 2011). The universities offer two types of certifications:

The full four-year career with the University Nurse intermediate title at the end of the third year (Monday to Friday from 8 to 13 hours, or 15 to 20 hours),

The Cycle (BA) led to two years of university or tertiary nurses not wishing to obtain their university degree. This type has a wide range of times.

If the individuals share the vision of such a nurse who is the protagonist and factor of change in the organization of health and community, the universities welcome them for this education.

Professional Profile

Professionals in nursing aim at the treatment and rehabilitation of human health. Once the doctor has come to a diagnosis of the disease, he provides the individual attention throughout the process of recovery of his health. The nurse attends to the uncomfortable symptoms that keep both the biological as well as in the psychological, social and spiritual, in order to preserve human dignity in this ...
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