
Read Complete Research Material




Task 1


Aggreko plc is a British company specializing in the rental of generators and solution temperature control (chillers, cooling towers) listed on the London Stock Exchange ( FTSE 100). Its headquarters are based in Glasgow , Scotland. The company was founded in 1962 in the Netherlands and its seat in Scotland in 1973. Salvesen acquired by the Group in 1984, Aggreko becomes independent in 1997 and is introduced to the London Stock Exchange . Aggreko International Division Power Projects (AIPP) is created in Dubai in 1999. It provides temporary power infrastructure for sports events like World Cup football 2002 , or the Beijing Olympics in 2008 , . She was also selected to provide energy facilities for the London Olympics .

Organization Culture of Aggreko

The organizational culture of Aggreko is unique with the drive to outperform and succeed with the high involvement of the employees. Aggreko has been continuously involved in the innovation process and is hoping to be the market leader very soon because of its strong encrypted culture and structure. Aggreko 's organizational structure is focused on mainly the empowerment to the employees. Job believes in giving the employees full liberty to think and act. The decision making are completely in the hands of the employees. At this time, Aggreko had a clearly defined structure that helped them to grow which opened the door for them as their employees were the biggest power for the company. The only fault they had in their structure was the lack of check and balance. The only problem was that the regional areas could not be focused accordingly, and as the structure focuses upon empowering of the employees, the financial losses incurred due to lack of check and control of the employees in different areas (Coughlan 2006, pp. 45-67).

To manage its products and marketing, Aggreko Computer had five product divisions responsible for the development, evaluation and manufacture of computer systems, software, and peripheral devices (e.g., Macintosh). It also had four product support divisions which handled marketing, distribution and post-sale product support (e.g. North American Sales Division). In addition, there were a number of administrative departments in charge of overseeing Aggreko 's day-to-day corporate activities (e.g., the Finance Department).

Aggreko 's organizational culture is based on the idea of self-motivation in the individuals through the empowerment. The distinctive structure of Aggreko allowed it to innovate, grow and react more quickly according to the turbulent changes occurring globally. Aggreko at the time of its innovative structure grew faster as decisions made by the employees were from the diverse group of people which truly contributed success in the prosperity of Aggreko . The corporate Aggreko 's headquarter made the overall activates and policies be fulfilled and obeyed by the employees. These activities are assigned in such a way to facilitate employees in making day to day decisions in countries all over the world. Aggreko s organizational culture mainly focuses upon the following (Barney 2005, pp. 99-120).

Inverted management pyramid

Greater Liberty and Freedom to accomplish the ...
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