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Part A

Whether Mr. Hay will be bound by:-

Any rights which Rose might have acquired in the Farm.

According to the law, the owner of a property is only that person who registered in the legal documents, irrespective of any other factor (Badenhorst, Juanita, et al, 2006, p. 9). Therefore, it can be said that though Rose might have paid half the amount of the Farm that Major Thorn had acquired, and she might also have the documentary evidence she claims to have, yet it is also to be noted that her name not mentioned in the legal documents, as the joint owner of the property. Therefore, it can be said that Major Thorn was the legal owner of the property and had the sole right to sell the property to anyone he wished. Thus, it can be concluded that Rose did not have any legal rights in the farm.

The lease to Mr. Wood

The lease is a contract whereby one party, called the lessor agrees to temporarily transfer the use and enjoyment of something real or personal property to another party named tenant, who in turn agrees to pay for that use or enjoyment of a fixed price and determined (Waldron, 2004, p. 36-38). The price may consist of a sum of money paid at once or in a periodic amount, which in this case called rent. You can also pay rent in anything equivalent, provided it be of certain and determined value, which in turn may be a previously fixed amount or a percentage harvest.

If the landlord of a property wishes to end the contract of lease with the tenant, he must give a notice to the tenant. The landlord can give notice to the tenant under the terms of the original contract or renewed, and even in such a situation, for unavoidable causes (Waldron, 2004, p. 36-38). When the landlord gives the tenant to leave, this leave must be justified in the following ways:

By its decision to resume or sell housing.

Either by a legitimate and serious, including the failure by the tenant of one of its obligations (Waldron, 2004, p. 36-38).

The leave must be notified by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt or served by a bailiff. This period starts from the date of receipt of the letter or meaning of a bailiff.

When based on the decision to sell the property, the leave must, on pain of nullity, state the price and conditions of the proposed sale. The practice of arresting a price deterrent voluntarily with the intention of preventing the tenant from exercising its right of first refusal is indeed a fraud and punished if necessary appreciated by the judges of the judiciary. The leave offered to sell the benefit of the tenant: the offer is valid during the first two months of the notice period. Non-fulfillment of diagnostic techniques and reports required by an owner of a building society it wants to sell lots will invalidate holiday sales reported to tenants if the tenant does not accept ...
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