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The topic under study contains the identification of a suitable decision making process, five widely used decision analysis techniques and technique about how to avoid group thinking in group decision making situation.


Decision Making Process

Decision making is the association of a course or plan of action with a given situation. The model presented decision-making has the following steps (Arsham, 2004, p.71).

Problem definition

Problem is defined require responses by the subject to adaptive functioning, but that are not available or are not identifiable by it due to the existence of barriers or obstacles (Arsham, 2004, p.71). The demands of the situation may come from outside, but also the individual's goals and values. The most common barriers to achieving the objectives are: ambiguity, uncertainty, conflicting demands, lack of resources, or novelty. This phase includes the definition of the objectives that the individual wants to achieve. When it comes to solving a problem is necessary to analyze and elucidate the processes and which are relevant aspects that are influencing the onset and maintenance of the problem or what makes the situation threatening. In this step the process of achieving appropriate behavior can also take pathologic features. The situation analysis is a causal analysis, trying to determine the influence of some factors on others, now and in the possible evolution

Generate possible alternative behaviors within the model of reality that was created

It is a phase that depends on the creativity of the individual. It is possible to imagine alternatives. And self-criticism play a significantly compromises the effectiveness of this step. Be abolished both in a first phase to consider the solutions without prior censorship (Arsham, 2004, p.72). It is following the rules of brainstorming, which are not made criticisms or evaluations of the ideas, any proposal is harvested, supplemented or varied to generate new solutions. People with social anxiety are very vulnerable to criticism and inhibit their creativity for fear of making mistakes and being rejected socially. This aspect can leave the person and end anchored in this step. We must remember that among the instructions given in the exercises as creative brainstorming to act highlights the total absence of criticism for generating alternatives to be evaluated in another phase. By taking this step is important to keep an open mind and mindfulness to get out of place and automatic behaviors and behave in accordance with our values.

Extrapolating the results associated with each behavior generated

In order to predict the results of their implementation with the changes that will occur in the situation. It is part of problem solving that is very subject to uncertainty, because the outcome of our actions depends not only on what we do, but they are fundamental reactions of others who are involved in the situation. Predict the result of a plan that has been developed is difficult and uncertainty plays a key role again. This phase can be a great source of worrying events, especially if you want to avoid the uncertainty of ignorance of how the other will react to ...
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