Assignment 10: Time

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Based on your Time of Day Score:


I tend to be present oriented like the other American s is in the American culture. Being present oriented provides me with many positive opportunities. It allows me to focus on what is required at the present rather than fear for what is going to happen in the future. It enables me to concentrate on studying on a daily basis, while not fearing of the upcoming exams. It allows me to give my exams, test, presentations, assignments and other requirements with full confidence without fearing for the results. This is the edge I have owing to my time orientation.


Some of the things that are affected negatively due to my time orientation are the food and drinks that I consume without caring for the future. This habit has caused me to gain weight and I am near to becoming obese. I tend to prefer the enjoyment of eating all kind of foods including fatty foods without caring for the harm I may incur in the future. I try to overcome this issue by walking and exercising more and more. In this I hope that the negative effect will be overcome.


One of my personal time patterns which are definitely culture-based is getting drunk without caring for the hangover I may have tomorrow. This habit of drinking till we are drunk and without caring for what will happen tomorrow has become part of our culture. It has become a sort of a societal norm. I formed this habit as I grew up by looking at other people. I became prone to practically applying this idea to myself because since childhood, I have seen people around me including my relatives get drunk at weekends and have hangovers. This made me adopt this pattern which is culture-based.



My power to be patient when things are about top happen or when they are expected to occur has been variable. Up till high school, it was extremely difficult for me to wait for things to happen. I still remember as a child that it was extremely hard for me to wait for my father to come home and bring sweets for me. However, as I matured I started becoming more and more patient. Nevertheless, I was still regarded as an impatient person by my teachers in school. This characterization changed to impatient times and ...
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