Assignment 1 - The Value And Importance Of Training

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Assignment 1 - The Value and Importance of Training

Assignment 1 - The Value and Importance of Training


Increasingly, companies designed the training of their employees as an investment, i.e. as an integral part of the strategies used incorporation to maintain their competitiveness in the labor market. Companies ensures that training is beneficial to respond to a series of conditions, i.e., must be part of a sequential and logical, whose first major step is to meet the real needs of the company, which takes into account both the current state of the organization (cost of materials, product quality, and equipment utilization) and project what the organization will need to handle future technologies and the required changes in the characteristics of employees.

Depending on the results of this analysis needs of training, the paper will proceed with the approach of training objectives, design and finally to the evaluation and transfer of learning to the Federally Employed Women organization. The importance of carrying out a training needs analysis appears repeatedly in the literature on training, coming to be regarded as a key factor, and also the most neglected, which shows where the gaps and whether training or not to offer viable solutions (Baechle,, 2008). The aim of this paper is to classify instruments that can be useful for conduct a training needs analysis.


In today's companies can find a number of approaches to training staff. In contrast to the spontaneous choice of curricula and training there is a systemic training. The purpose of constructing a system of training is to achieve compliance with professional level employees of a real business objective of the company. One of the most important stages of building such a system is to analyze and identify training needs. Analysis of training needs is to determine the base level of knowledge and skills of the target group, it is best to staff through the appraisal process. The results are compared with the planned assessment of training results, and thus determined by the gap between actual and desired situations. However, if the company has not built a system of certification, it is not necessary to wait until it happens to start learning. There are other methods of diagnosing learning needs (Williamson, 1993). In this study the direct participants are offered a written questionnaire (unless the top managers), for line managers and professionals using questionnaires in conjunction with structured interviews, and for top managers - only interview. For each of these categories of personnel issues will be formulated according to their objectives and the level of competence.

Training Need Analysis

For the identification of training needs at Federally Employed Women the organization determine the base level of knowledge and skills of the target group, which is the best way to staff through the appraisal process. The results are compared with the planned assessment of training results, and thus determined by the gap between actual and desired situations. However, if the company has not built a system of certification, it is not necessary to wait ...
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