Assignment 1: Centralia No. 5

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Assignment 1: Centralia No. 5

Assignment 1: Centralia No. 5

Identification of four logistical alternatives for Scanlan

The identification and explanation of the four logical alternatives is important. Driscoll Scanlan, who was appointed as the State Mine Inspector for Illinois by the Governor. He provided important recommendations related to the safety of mines. He suggested possible measures to be taken by the concerned department in order to prevent any Mine Accident. This was a concern related to the safety of workers and it was based on the facts that were quite visible. Though, the concerned authorities ignored his recommendations and the similar suggestions were also provided by the Frank Prez, who was a mine inspector from the U.S. Bureau of Mines. He submitted his findings based on the inspection carried out of the Centralia Mine No. 5. Though, some of the other mine inspectors and represenstatives of Illinios Department of Mines and Minerals ignored the important recommendations and had a negative role in this entire case. There was corruption in the administration, such as graft in state purchases of supplies and land. An investigation showed that many of Green's mine inspectors, although not the one at Centralia had asked mine operators for political contributions (Stillman, 2000).

It is important to discuss the logistical alternatives that could have been suggested by the Sanlan in the prevention of this unfortunate Coal Mine Incident. All the four alternatives would be discussed step by step in the coming paragraphs.

Scanlan could have suggested the options of alternative two routes for the storage of coal as it could created an additional space for the coal mine. Most importantly, it could have reduced the probability of a massive explosion in the mine. Though, Scanlan identified the threats pertaining to the Coal Mine but he should have also proposed the alternative options in this regard.

Scanlan must have given a lot of importance to the aspect of dusting because it was the main reason because of which the massive explosion took place. The authorities concerned with this incident must have also provided assistance to the Scanlan in working on the aspect of rock dusting. The reliance on other control measures did not prove to be an effective mechanism in the prevention of the mine incident. The installation of the ignition sources at separate transportation points for checking the routes of coal refining was a vital need.

Scanlan should have worked for a separate contingency plan in order to successfully address the logistical challenges associated the Coal Mine. He must have involved workers from the Illinios Department of Mines and Minerals in oder to have a proper team work for this mechanism. He needed support from the Department and other people as well.

Scanlan should have worked on the ethical aspect of this incident and must have communicated to all concerned members. It was necessary for all the employees to make maximum efforts in the prevention of the coal mine incident. He must have coordinated with the entire bureaucracy who were ...