Assignment 1 & 4

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Assignment 1 & 4

Assignment 1 & 4

Assignment 1

In what ways does globalization have an impact on UCLan (University of Central Lancashire)?


The interchange of culture, aspects, ideas, products and world views gives rise to international integration. The process is called globalisation. The exchange of resources such as cultural and national resources on a global scale in simple terms is called globalisation. Globalisation has been significantly attributed by the internet, telecommunication infrastructure and transportation. Globalisation has contributed to greater interdependence between cultural and economic activities. Some say globalisation is a modern phenomenon while the others still believe that the phenomena were pioneered at the time of European age of discovery. Globalisation accelerated at the start of the 20th century, and since then there is no turning back (, 2013).

In 1980's and 1990's term was widely being used, and everyone was familiar with it. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) introduced four components of globalisation: dissemination of knowledge, movement of people and migration, investment and capital movements and trade and transactions. Globalisation also links several other activities such as over fishing in the oceans, water and air pollution etc.

Scholte (2000): Change in human affairs

Jan Aart Scholte has given globalisation a new perspective (Politics and globalization, 2005). Scholte has proposed five deferent meanings for globalisation: de-territorialisation, universalisation, westernization, liberalization and internationalisation (Scholte, 2000). Putting the definition proposed by Scholte into the context of UCLan the theme of globalisation can easily be understood. Since the university is providing online courses, this provision of being “online” and having a global presence means that the UCLan has indeed met the definition of globalisation which itself includes de-territorialisation (, 2013). Students from around the globe can be a part of UCLan and benefit from high quality education. Scholte also puts forward globalisation as westernization. UCLan by providing courses to rest of the world can ensure that they are spreading westernization by spreading its message and School of thought.


When an organisation steps out into international markets, in economic terminology the phenomenon is called internationalisation. Although the definition of internalisation has not been agreed upon, but still, the concept can be understood with the aid of several theories. Putting the definition in the context of UCLan, it would not be incorrect to state that UCLan is a part and an active contributor to the internationalisation process. This can be proved from three distinct parameters:

Trade of goods and services: UCLan is a part of the educational sector and therefore provides educational services such as undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral programs. The provision of education is not confined to United Kingdom only. UCLan has stepped into foreign markets as well by providing online courses to individuals who are not required to be physically present at the university campus. This is very much possible with the aid of internet.

Money: International students pay their fees via wire transfers and electronic funds transfer and contribute to the process of globalisation as territorial boundaries are no longer a hindrance to ...
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