Assignment 1

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Assignment 1

Assignment 1

Part 1

The professional house construction workers

A construction worker is in the large sense, a helper in areas of the industry. Construction workers perform many different activities that are very important to the community. They make lots of money and can also work a lot, which means that you can make money as a construction worker. However, the longer duration of the work poses consequential damages and the work of a construction worker is also quite stressful. In summer, the construction workers are tortured because any one so physically demanding and stressful work in the heat is unbearable. A construction worker also has the ability to work in a team, as it sometimes becomes essential for them and thus, he also has a lot of contact with other people. Following are some of the factors that are associated with the profession of a construction worker:

The Construction worker works in the construction site of a building, house or any other construction site (Rogelberg, 2007). He might even manage the crews of skilled and unskilled workers in the works. Such an individual in a construction industry that is handed over the responsibility of other construction employees, along with performing his own construction related tasks is known as the construction supervisor or foremen. He usually is an experienced construction worker (Anderson, Ones, et al, 2001). The primary objectives of a construction worker are:

The construction worker might have a particular profession as a mason can supervise a team of masons.

The Construction worker also looking after other construction employees reports to superintendents, who are responsible for the efficiency of all equipment on a construction job.

The construction worker is assigned different tasks after which he plans individually on how he will be completing all the assigned tasks in an efficient manner

The construction worker looking after other construction employees is the one who plans the overall work schedule and maintains records of the materials used (Anderson, Ones, et al, 2001).

The Construction worker is responsible for completing his construction related tasks. Then the construction worker must report to the supervisor. The construction supervisor should also report on other things like staff, and security costs. The Construction workers should be aware of all the safety standards, along with following those standards. The supervisor is responsible for maintaining safety standards ensuring that everyone is trained and adherer the rules (Rajecki, Victor, 2011). The construction supervisor is communicating company rules and policies for workers, which the workers are obliged to obey. The Construction worker must be familiar with union contracts and procedures.

The construction worker is supposed to be working alongside the other crew members. The construction worker must be able to read blueprints and plans, in order to be able to understand things that are being expected of them. Construction workers have different skills and is craftsmen advice on how best to handle certain tasks, as they are the ones performing the construction tasks. Moreover, experienced construction workers even oversee the training of new employees. Construction workers should be experts in ...
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