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Schools and early education places put foremost importance on identifying special educational needs in order to identify the needs of the child and help the child in every way possible. Most children with special educational needs (SEN) may be found in any ordinary schools (Stiggins & Chappuis, 2005).

Assessment is the process of providing evidence regarding the quality of teaching and student learning in educational institutions. Recognizing that there is an existing national and international climate that requires public accountability and focused on high-stakes tests and their results. Individual students now expected to demonstrate the additional ability to reflect and to further develop analytical, adaptive, and advanced skills (Stiggins & Chappuis, 2005).


The teacher's accurate assessment is vital for the positive outcome of special students. If the teacher has successfully implemented the evaluation process, the results will show positive results regarding the physiological behaviour of the special students. It is necessary for the teacher to articulate appropriate assessment process; otherwise, it will lead to negative outcomes (McTighe & O'Connor, 2005). Following is a list of behaviours that may surface due to inaccurate assessment:

1. The student will find it difficult to focus on daily lessons

2. The student may also get involve in malicious

3. The improvement process may become difficult

4. The teacher will also find it difficult to assess the gap between past and the present performance due to inaccurate assessment

"Step By Step” Approach

Children gain knowledge in different ways. They may also have special educational needs of different types and levels. If your child has special educational needs, the school may adopty this “step by step” approach, through which they can use special tools to help overcome difficulties (Stiggins & Chappuis, 2005). This approach is a "step by step" (progressive), laid out in the Code of practice for special needs students (Special Educational Needs Code of Practice (SEN).

The school is obligated to ensure that you give to the fact that your child begins to receive additional or other assistance due to the detection of special educational needs. Basic level of extra help is can be provided to these special children, like:

- A different way to learn certain things;

- A little extra help from an adultl;

- The use of various equipment, such as computer or special desk;

Individual learning

Child's teacher is responsible for the daily work with him, but may decide on taking down the steps to help your child to under the Scheme for individual teaching (Individual Education Plan (IEP).

IEP may contain information about:

- What special or additional assistance gets provided to your child,

- Who provides such assistance, and how often,

- What help you are able to deliver their child at home.

The teacher may keep the record of how your child meets the needs, perhaps as part of their schema classes. However, the school should always be able to give you information on how to help your child and what progress is taking place (Stiggins & Chappuis, 2005).

If your child does not make sufficient progress in the school action (School Action), the teacher coordinator of your ...
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