Assessment Tool

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Assessment Tool

Assessment Tool


The paper aims to emphasize on an assessment tool for the four students who have difficulties in understanding reasoning questions. In this regard, collaborative learning provides students with the ability to interact good ideas with each other i.e. Brain Storming. The concept of collaborative learning, related to the concept of learn and work in a group, although it looks new, has been quite tested and implemented by theorists, researchers and educators from the eighteenth century (Brna & Burton, 2007). The collaborative learning is a process that helps students to become members of knowledge communities whose common property is different from those communities that already belongs. The main purpose of group work in the classroom is to actively engage students in the learning process. Students included in pairs or small groups are more likely would be involved in the process. Students feel less pressure when they are asked to perform a task in a pair, not independently.

The paper aims to discuss and affirm the importance of development of collaborative activities for those students who are weak in reasoning problems. Collaborative learning is seen as a resource in education or strategy. The participants bring diverse experiences and knowledge previously acquired or constructed and interacts to create a shared knowledge. The emphasis of this mode of teaching rests on this interaction (Donmez et, al. 2005). The concept of collaborative learning is another approach of mentoring that values dialogue and interaction in the process of knowledge construction than a teaching resource. The difficulty lies in the undeveloped organizational and administrative and substantive and methodological aspects of the integrated education of hearing-impaired students on the basis of special correctional institutions. For performance became clear mistakes, miscalculations. In particular, it would be advisable not to type of hearing children to several years of primary school, and only the first form (the first), the classes, and then gradually increasing the number of hearing-impaired children with new sets of first-graders. But the experience in the organization of new type and showed the correctness of the decision to launch a joint study of children with normal and impaired hearing, it will permit discussion of the many substantive issues and talk about the need to continue the experimental work (Weinberger & Fischer, 2006).

Proposed Assessment Tool

Joint training curriculum reform advocates learning are increasingly recognized as the majority of teachers is one of the highlights of training in classrooms today. In fact, many training classes, cooperative learning is not only formally efficiency. Cooperative education students and teachers to work together to jointly participate jointly explore learning, which basically consists in the division of labor, coordinated operations have difficulty working in a team, a group of strength to overcome difficulties, mainly due to the cooperative learning spoken, discussion, expression, listen and participate in the practice, such as the form of expanding the students to experience the event as co-operation, to consciously direct the students to participate in practical activities, develop their practice of consciousness, a sense of cooperation is the inevitable ...
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