Assessment Instructions

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Assessment Instructions

Assessment Instructions


Assessment is considered as one of the strongest ways of developing student's skills. In the field of nursing, the classroom assessment allows the learners or the students to enhance and improve their knowledge. In the field of nursing where the assessment for learning is practiced, nursing students are motivated to be more dynamic in their associated assessment and learning. In the field of nursing, all assessments are designed in order to analyze learning disability in any student or to recognize any student who requires remediation. Therefore, the assessments are performed in order to bring improvement in the learning of students. Proceeding paper incorporates various assessment instructions including portfolios, teacher-created tests, rubrics and commercially produced unit tests. The study also incorporates three examples of effective and ineffective assessment practices (Twigg, 2009).


In the field of nursing, one of the most difficult and the most basic task that the teachers face during their work is the assessment process. The assessment process incorporates all the processes which are involved in the decision making about the learning progress of the students. Teachers use several techniques and various assessment instructions in the classroom, in order to perform appropriate and effective assessment. Some of the techniques may include writing assignments, tests, quizzes and other assessments. It is often observed that, the teachers usually rely on the results of these assessments. Furthermore, these results offer opportunity to the teachers to analyze the level of each individual student. Moreover, portfolios, teacher-created tests, rubrics and commercially produced unit tests play an effective role in the process of classroom assessment (Ondrejka, 2013). These techniques are briefly elaborated in the proceeding discussion.

Assessment Instructions that are Used in the Classroom

There are several assessment instructions that can be used by the teachers in the process of assessment. The instructions may include portfolios, teacher-created tests, rubrics and commercially produced unit tests. All these techniques play a vital role in efficient and effective assessment practices. These assessment instructions are briefly elaborated in the proceeding discussion (Billings and Halstead, 2012).


Portfolios are a kind of authentic/alternative assessment in which the progress of the student is analyzed over a time period during unit or lesson. The most important feature about the portfolio assessment is that, it promotes the involvement of the parents. This may help the teachers in achieving their desired aims regarding the success of the students. Therefore, portfolio is considered as the fixed ...
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