Assessment Criteria

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Assessment Criteria

Assessment Criteria


Identify the features of effective partnership working

The team working can be beneficial for an organization in a number of ways. The professional adults, when work in a team, can collaboratively work on a plan, and the result will be better outcomes. This partnership helps the adult experts to organize their routines, and to perform the management skills in the most appropriate manner. This team work can not only benefit the individual, but it will also help the team to achieve the goals jointly.

This solitary system will help to improve the quality and standard of the services provided by the team. . It is the basic duty of every vulnerable adult, to work in close association with one another, and with the individuals they intend to care for. The teamwork will also help the vulnerable adult workers to assess the temperament, fondness, despises, health, interest and conduct of the individuals they encounter

Favorable relationships between team workers and healthy partnership will allow the team to create a warm and friendly environment with a friendly inviting air, which will in turn, help to attract more individuals towards them. The partnership also benefits those individuals of the organization that are either not very powerful, or scared to come on the front line. The partnership will allow the team work and in this way these individuals will also be able to perform their duties, which will be equally appreciated. In case of dodges or clashes, the partnership can be advantageous to support the individuals who are targeted. The tea, as a single body, can help to clear the misunderstanding and establish a friendly relationship between the two conflicting bodies.

Partnership does not only refer to the partnership of the health care workers amongst themselves, but the partnership of the health care workers with the parents and families of the patient. In order to serve the patient in the best possible manner, it is important to take necessary steps that would integrate the working of the health care professionals and the families of the patient. The better communication skills will help to achieve the satisfaction of the individual's family and more compliance to the therapy. If a person is suffering from a problem, the parents, family members, carers and the health care professionals should work in partnership, with a single aim which incorporates the individual's wellbeing as its primary focus. The feedback system should be highly supported to evaluate the outcomes of the patient therapy and the comments of the family and the vulnerable adult himself. This input can be used to make necessary changes in the therapy, which will support the individual in a better way. The partnership of the practitioner and the family members is important in this case.


Analyse how partnership working delivers better outcomes

There are two terms that are widely used to describe the working in partnership. These are the Multi-agency working and coordinated working. These working systems promote working in unity. They can be extremely beneficial for the vulnerable adults, their ...
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