Assessment And Treatment Plan

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Assessment and Treatment Plan

Confidential Bio/Psycho/Social Assessment


Date of Birth:Phone:

Primary Language:Education:

Referred By:Occupation:

Assessment Evaluated By:

Description of Client

The client is a 13-year-old female child, dressed casually in neat, clean clothing. She makes normal eye contact, speaks in an expressive voice, and appears ill at ease, manifested by nervous hand movements and foot jiggling.

Presenting Problem

The client reports that she feels that she is socially outcast in the school. The students and her classmates avoid talking to her and make fun of her. She also reports that she is having problems with her parents. Presently, she is suffering from disturbance and anxiety. The situation has worsened in the past 8 months.

History of Problem

The client told me that everything was going fine between her and her father, who was a single parent as her mother died she was 6. However, her father married another woman, and she entered her life as a step mother. She feels that her step mother is not loving and does not care about her and her feelings. She feels that she has taken her father away from her and is slowly taking the place of the client in the house. She feels that her father also neglects her and does not pay any attention to her since he has married again. This makes the client feel left out and disturbed. She feels extreme anxiety because of this situation. Further, the client told that she does not have any friends at school. Her classmates make fun of her on the fact that she is not one of the most fashionable students of the school. The classmates do not find her cool enough to sit and talk to her. They also avoid hanging out with the client. People in the school make fun of her and call her a ...
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