Assessment 2: Skill Research

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Assessment 2: Skill Research

Assessment 2: Skill Research


This paper is a reflection for the students towards reconciliation of cognitive and experiential activities with their personal reactions and reflections on their functioning. This type of reflection is strongly supported by the use of a diary for personal reflection. The paper discusses the importance and development of management skills and interpersonal skills for effective leadership and management (Jensen, 2006).

Management is a vast field that deals with getting the required personnel together in order to achieve desired aims and objectives, e.g. in business by deploying available resources in an optimized way to enhance productivity. With the passage of time, management has gained increasing significance, especially in businesses. It is a domain that comprises of a number of activities including planning, organization, staffing, directing, coordination, reporting and budgeting.

Leadership is multidimensional term that cannot be defined under one head. It is a collection of different dimensions that all diversify into entirely different areas of management. Every individual learns new ways from different experiences and with different people. A good leader always tries to avoid the same issue in the future and learn from every situation. Working in any organization becomes a permanent part of one's professional profile and leaves an unimaginable impact on one's professional personality.

Leadership and management often confused, but not that one reaches to make a real difference between these two realities inextricably linked. The management could be defined as the process by which it administers and coordinates effectively and efficiently resources (material, financial, human, etc.), in the effort of achieving the objectives of the organization. As for leadership, it seen as an interpersonal influence by which an individual leads another individual or group to do the job he wants to see completed (Amis, 2000).


Interpersonal skills are patterns and interactive communication styles that are used to facilitate relationships both personal and professional life for happiness and growth.

Although it may seem simple as practicing interpersonal and communication styles everyday with what interpersonal skills an integral part of us but many of us may not be able to practice these in an effective manner.

Interpersonal skills are in each body, but those skills are complex as they involve the interaction of different skills together. Therefore, to implement appropriate interpersonal skills that may require some level of knowledge of it and some guidelines can help us work and dealing with people effectively in various aspects of our lives.

As we know that man is a social being and all human efforts involving other human beings too. Therefore, the way we communicate and behave with others require the proper execution of the interpersonal skills that ensure happiness in personal life and success in professional life (Holt, 1993).

We practice interpersonal skills and not even knowing involuntarily from our childhood. However, we see that some people are secure in life and gain the admiration and respect of the people. Such people are said to have pleasant personalities and often excel in all aspects of their ...
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