Assessment 1- Market Report

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Assessment 1- Market Report

Assessment 1- Market Report


Apple Inc is a well established name in the technology industry. It was incorporated in the year 1977. Apple Inc designs, produces and markets various products related to mobile communications, computers and media devices. It products includes a number of software, networking solutions and digital applications (New York Times, n.d.). In terms of market capitalization, Apple Inc has turn out to be one of the most valuable organizations of the world (Forbes, 2012).


Companies occasionally try to influence legislation, or through R & D pioneering new technology or changes to strengthen its strategic position or to discover new opportunities. The strong environmental force can be regarded as a threat because it would drastically reduce the profit of an organization (Porter, 2008). Macro forces generally are not under the direct control of organizations, therefore, the purpose of the strategic direction is to enable the organization to act effectively to threats and environmental constraints and opportunities emanating from the same. To meet this objective, strategic leaders must identify and analyze how expression of these macro-forces in relation to the company (Porter, 2008).

Social and Cultural Forces

Society and heritage are also a significant component that should be granted focus by any enterprise, expressly those who are functioning in the international arena (Porter, 2008) like Apple Inc. It is significant that the part should function in compliance with the communal schemes, in alignment, to gain good status and productive public image. All around the globe, the access of the Internet is growing day by day. Statistics show that approximately 29.8 million houses have got an access to the facility of Internet. This percentage enhances the tendency of online buying and marketing. This can be quite useful for the Apple that they can go for significant online marketing promotion. It is estimated ...