Assessing Customer Relationship In Mozilla Firefox

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Assessing Customer Relationship in Mozilla Firefox

Assessing Customer Relationship in Mozilla FireFox

Assessing Customer Relationship in Mozilla FireFox


By developing the capacity to understand and comprehend the psyche of the consumer and involving them in the creation of value by delivering unique innovations, Mozilla Firefox adopts a unique approach that helps it to significantly expand its client base. These days, web browsers and user interfaces that take the time to identify the preferences of the consumer not only pave the way for better understanding and comprehension of the target market but they also identify their ideologies in more ways than one (Adcock & Al Halborg, p. 15). The primary purpose of this paper is to understand how Mozilla Firefox involves customers in the creation of the value such as the downloadable extensions and add-ons and how understanding involving customers helps it to be successful in a highly competitive market.

Mozilla Firefox and Creation of Value

Businesses create value by delivering unique concepts to the customer and then strengthen their relationship with them through this value creation. Value creation is raison d'être (underlying foundation) of a corporation - the ultimate measure through by consumers and stakeholders judge it. Value creation is essential for the establishment of a strong, long-term, sustainable relationship with the target consumers. This is because it essentially determines why the consumer will choose the product of one business over those of its competitors. Value creation is therefore the essence of a long-term relationship that exists between customers and businesses. Not only is it necessary for individuals to continue to show the changes and the challenges that have been existing over the years, it becomes visible that value creation and its delivery make association and affiliations last longer than usual (Hochbaum, Moreno-Centeno, Yelland and Catena, 2011, pp.1171).

Mozilla Firefox ranks among the leading internet browsers around the world. It has all the ingredients to be a market leader and has specifically been designed to cater to the unique preferences and tastes of customers. This is how the developers of this software program have created value; by ensuring that it offers something unique and innovative to the customers. For example, Firefox comes preinstalled with an Add-ons Manager which makes it easy for the user to download and install handpicked add-ons, plug-in and extensions and custom-defined themes.

This allows users to download a wide range of preferences directly from the download manager without the need to browse ...