Assessing A Syllabus For Learner-Centered Competencies

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Assessing a Syllabus for Learner-Centered Competencies

Assessing a Syllabus for Learner-Centered Competencies


Designing an appropriate course is not an easy task. Effective teaching results from an artful and spontaneous interaction with students during lessons (Stigler & Hiebert, 1997, p. 16). As a faculty member, one cannot pursue too many activities that will have a greater impact on students than the active involvement of the faculty member in the design of a course or curriculum (Diamond, 2008, p.5).

The aim of this paper is to evaluate the class: “R7031 Methods and Analysis of Quantitative Research-Spring 2007 syllabus” with the help of utilizing the learning-centered model. Traditional course design followed logical content and emphasized teaching performance over the learning of student (Hansen, 2011). Using a learner centered approach and methodology; this paper will analyze the syllabus created by the professor by having an insightful look into the following questions:

Is this a learner-centered syllabus?

Are there any missing elements?

If so, what could be done to make the syllabus as learner centered?


Learner centered model is sequential in nature. Diamond states that assessing the needs, stating the goals, designing, implementing, revising and assessing the learners as needed are the key components of a learning centered-model (2008, p.11.). While reviewing the syllabus competencies, there are several components that must be reviewed in order to rank it. The criteria developed in order to evaluate whether the course under discussion is learning centered and meets the needs of the students includes the following.

The first criterion is whether it covers the competencies that the students must develop regarding the methods and analysis of quantitative research. These competencies include reviewing the philosophy of quantitative research methodology; perform statistical analysis including descriptive statistics and parametric and nonparametric statistics, interpreting results of data analysis based on hypothesis testing, using SPSS and various other statistical competencies. ...