Assault Weapons And Society

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Assault Weapons and Today's society


The term "assault weapon" in the context of civilian rifles has been attributed activist gun-control. Assault weapon refers to weapons fire semi-automatic (that is, weapons fire that, once fired, automatically extracting the exhausted envelope and load the next round in the chamber ready to fire again) that were developed from fully automatic weapons earlier. By former U.S. law the legal limit assault weapons certain firearm semiautomatic enclosed specific model name (e.g. Colt AR-15, H & K G36E , TEC-9 , all AK-47s and Uzis ) and other firearms, semi-automatic because they possess a minimum set of devices (Carter, 2002).

A major symptom of citizen concerns regarding safety conditions are recorded in the country is given by the growing number of assault weapons acquiring the latest figures from the National Arms Register, which depends Ministry of Defense, during all of 1999 were 61,305 legally buy guns of different calibers, which represents a 27% higher than the acquisitions made in 1998 (Dizard, Muth, Andrews, 1999). On average, during each day last year 168 guns were sold or put another way, every ten minutes was acquired purchasing a gun is an action that an individual could understand justified by the poor provision of public service security.

That is, if the state does not develop an adequate system of crime control, individuals seem to act with reason to purchase this appearance soon dissolves as soon as they warn of the dangers that cause the accumulation of weapons in society civil (Carter, 2002). In private hands there are about two million guns registered and is estimated to have a sum equivalent perhaps illegal. The weapons in the home should be recalled that last year, the Ministry of Interior considered that half of the houses in the city of Buenos Aires and 70% of the metropolitan area had a gun. And they are weapons to which children are exposed and may often cause more tragedy than real deeds of protecting the integrity of life and property of increased arms purchases by civil society cannot dissociate the development of this spiral of irrational violence that has as main drivers for the perpetrators.

Discussion and Analysis

The recognition of this right is based on the idea that guns would be used for personal defense of U.S. citizens, however, news of the tragedies that happen in the U.S., we demonstrate that weapons are not used as a defense but as an attack. Some, like the dealer John Markell, argue that if the weapons had been allowed on the campus of Virginia would not have died there 32 people, com happened, "may have died one or two people, but before he hit the third, the murderer have fallen killed by someone with a weapon, "argues that American dealer (Carter, 2002).

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