Aspirin Usage

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Aspirin Usage and Heart Stent Patient

Aspirin Usage and Heart Stent Patient


The occurrence of cardiovascular disease has been the major reason for causing deaths in the entire United States. The United States have contributed the cost of almost $450 billion annually. In spite of recent improvements in treatment and prevention of cardiovascular diseases, diseases of heart have been the major reason for killing approximately 600,000 of Americans (Oscarsson et al., 2004, p.1071). Moreover, stroke is killing approximately 130,000 people in United Sates. Thus, precautions are necessary for reducing the risks of deaths due to the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases. Such people who are experiencing the disease of atherosclerotic cardiovascular such as stroke, myocardial infarction and peripheral arterial disease are at high and elevated risk of recurrent or new cardiovascular event and its related death and illness (Oscarsson et al., 2004, p.1071). Thus, patients of heart need to take proper preventive care before their surgery regarding their medications. The paper will discuss the significance of using aspirin for cardiovascular diseases. Moreover, the paper will highlight impact of aspirin on the patients of cardiovascular disease. In addition to this, paper will include that whether patient should discontinue the use of aspirin before his or her heart surgery (Oscarsson et al., 2004, p.1071).


According to the estimation, it has been observed that more than sixteen million of adults of United States are suffering from the coronary heart disease such as angina and myocardial infarction. The research further highlights that approximately 7 millions of adults are experiencing a heart stroke and almost 8 million of adults are experiencing peripheral arterial disease. Thus, effective and efficient interventions in order to provide secondary prevention for the patients of cardiovascular disease include modification in their lifestyle such as weight control, smoking control, dietary modifications and increased physical activity (The RISC Group, 1990, p.827). The evidence based intervention for preventing or curing heart diseases is the usage of anti platelet agents such as aspirin. Patients who experience peripheral arterial disease, history of ischemic stroke or coronary heart disease are candidates of using aspirin. The research of Anti thrombotic Trialists' Collaboration shows that aspirin can be the major reason to reduce the occurrence of recurrent stroke and major coronary events by 19 percent and 20 percent respectively (The RISC Group, 1990, p.827). In addition to this, more research represents that use of aspirin for secondary prevention helps in providing health outcomes benefits as well as it results in saving cost of cardiovascular disease. The usage of aspirin for preventing and curing heart diseases helps in saving around $69 for each person (The RISC Group, 1990, p.827).

Thus, from the evidence of this research, it is recommended that patients of heart disease use aspirin and other type of anti platelet medications amongst suffering adults in order to provide secondary prevention of cardiovascular diseases. The research further illustrates that anti-platelet medications have been prescribed to almost 46 percent of patients who were suffering from the disease of ischemic vascular disease (The RISC ...
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