Aspects Of Media And Popular Culture

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Aspects of Media and Popular Culture


Technology evolves as the need to communicate grows ever larger. With faster internet providers come the need to communicate better using as many mediums as possible, be it audio, both or both. In today's world, we are surrounded by technology and cannot find a way out. This is the reason technology is impacting our lives to a very great extent. Internet is the most common technology in use nowadays. This paper will discuss the negative causes and effects of internet and the social networking websites such as Facebook.

Main Issues

The internet is still a new playground for us and habitually changing. Internet addiction is thus such a new difficulty both family constituents and professionals have difficulty glimpsing the indications and symptoms. For persons who are employed with internet addiction on everyday cornerstone have to furthermore hold up with the altering world on internet use especially through social networking websites (Rockler-Gladen, pp. 284).

Explanation of the Problem

There are major contributing factors that lead to the negative aspects of Internet. According to researches, 6-11% of persons is obsessed to the internet and will not log off. Many of those persons have difficulty with despondency or communal isolation and are expending more time in the virtual world through brief converse, games, porn, sex and gambling (Bride, pp.10). One major impact of the internet is that people get addicted to it very easily and once they get addicted they cannot get rid of this addiction. Children especially are the victim of this addiction. They get addicted to internet games, which is not, suitable for them. Once they start playing games on the internet, they do not do any other work and do not even go out to play which in turn affects their health.

Health care experts deal with new health risks every day, in which the medical community is just starting to apprehend up to. Experts desire to find out if excessive use of Internet applications triggers despondency or stress. 'Striking' clues that some avid snare users evolve compulsive internet customs in which they restore real-life social interaction with online brief converse rooms and social networking sites. This kind of addictive surfing can have a grave influence on mental health. The effects and causes of the increased use of the internet are a growing concern for everyone. Parents do not want their child to be in front ...
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