Aspects Of Business Communication

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Aspects of Business Communication

Aspects of Business Communication


Business Communication is an integral part of any of the organisations and the more effective it is; the more favourable results it brings! As James C. Humes, author and speech writer for several U.S. presidents, notes, “The art of communication is the language of leadership”.A business organisation is a cluster of individuals who are actually working for achieving the objectives of an organisation and for that matter effective systematic business communication is essential. Without effective business communication, organisational objectives can never be achieved therefore, organisations strongly emphasis over the effectiveness of the organisational communication systems. (Mukherjee, B., 2012)


Communication Inside the organisation

Organisations have different functional departments for instances Finance, Marketing, Human Resources etc for attaining its goals and objectives and for this reason, effective communication system must be implemented. Business organisation must ensure that all the functional departments are coordinating with each other and ensuring timely information sharing and knowledge management.

Better understanding about the Business

For better understandings about the business timely sharing of information, utilizing and communicating the information requires elaboration of the communication channels.This dimension encompasses the ability to describe, use and explain

Business terminologies, particulars, processes and verities require communication with clarity, precisions and wholeness by using the instances. (Queensland

Studies Authority, 2012)

Setting of Objectives and Communicating

Organisation must ensure that what so ever the objectives have been proposed (either financial or strategic objectives are concerned) these must be communicated with every single employee so that every employee of the organisation incorporates his or her performance in accordance with organisations objectives.

Interaction between Employer and Employee

Business Communication is one of the crucial aspects of the business organisation, and it must be effective so that business objectives can be met. Business communication must particularly be conducive and open so that employees may coordinate with each other (either it is one way or two communications).

Communication outside an organisation

An organisation has to deal with external stake holders for achieving its day to day or yearly objectives, goals etc, for this reason strong communication channels are essential. Organisation may communicate for the following reasons;

Hiring the employees

Dealing with Customers

Negotiating with vendors and Financiers

Communicating with Investors

Interacting with Government

Businesses will flourish if the information is timely communicated. Organisation has to communicate with the external parties for achieving its mission and vision therefore it is highly emphatic for business communication to be effective.

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