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Thesis Statement

“Joseph rebuked Asenath because she worshiped idols”


The analysis is about the Asenath`s upbringing and how Joseph introduced with her. In the first of seven years of great plenary Pharaoh sent forth Joseph to lay up corn, and gather food within the cities So Joseph went out over all the land of Egypt, and came in the country of Heliopolis, where lived Poti-pherah, the priest, and chief counselor of the great King His daughter, Asenath, was the fairest of all the virgins of the earth; and seemed rather to be a daughter of Israel than an Egyptian It came to pass in the first year of the seven years of plenty, in the second month, that Pharaoh sent out Joseph to go round the whole land of Egypt (Coogan, 28). Joseph came, in the fourth month of the first year, on the eighteenth day of the month, into the district of Heliopolis. He was collecting all the maize of that land, as the sand of the sea. Now there was in that city a man, a satrap of Pharaoh; and this man was the head of all Pharaoh's satraps and lords. He was very rich, wise, and generous, and he was Pharaoh's counselor, and his name was Pentephres; and he was the priest of Heliopolis she was quite unlike the daughters of the Egyptians, but in every respect like the daughters of the Hebrews.

She was as tall as Sarah, and as attractive as Rebecca, and as equitable as Rachel; and this virgin's name was Aseneth. The fame of her beauty increase during all that land, even to its furthest corners; and all the sons of the lords and of the satraps and of the kings sought her hand in marriage, young men all of them. There was great rivalry between ...