Asbestos Compensation

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Asbestos Compensation

Asbestos Compensation

The victims of occupational diseases have actually two compensations. Those of the primary fund health insurance first, which apply under the economic loss: once a disease is recognized in relation to work, the victim receives a pension occupational disease that varies its rate disability and salary.

The other compensation, which corresponds to personal injury, comes from the compensation fund for victims of asbestos (Fiva), which made an offer student harm incapacity, moral, physical, aesthetic, etc. But Fiva considers it necessary to deduct compensation paid by health insurance under the annuity illness of those to be paid by the pecuniary Fiva disability.

Asbestos Exposure

The asbestos fibers released at the workplace but also in everyday life, when inhaled, can be harmful to human health. Operating errors, lengthy processing or wear of asbestos-containing materials can give rise to very serious respiratory diseases: asbestosis, lung cancer and mesothelioma, to name the most common diseases that occur even after many years exposure (10-15 for asbestosis, 20-40 years for lung cancer and mesothelioma) (Leslie, et al. 2007).

Working compensation

According to the legal system, all employers and self-employed persons belonging to an association founder of a compensation fund professional are affiliated to it. Employers and self-employed persons who belong to a professional association is an association inter freely decide which of the two compensation funds join.

All other persons (employers and self-employed persons who do not belong to any association founder of a compensation fund professional people who are not employed and salaried workers whose employer is not liable to pay contributions) are affiliated to the cash cantonal compensation in their canton of residence or the State in which the undertaking has its registered office. The branches are affiliated to the compensation which is affiliated to the main office.

If they are not affiliated to any cash compensation, employers, self-employed, people who are not employed and wage workers whose employer is not liable to pay contributions are required to register with the competent compensation fund Canton.

This requirement also applies to persons who use help in their household (housekeeper, maid, nurse, chauffeur, gardener, etc), Regardless of whether they are Swiss nationals or foreigners (including border) or who are used for short or long periods or exercising their activity as an aid or permanently.

Law for workers Compensation for Asbestos Victims

Motley Rice attorneys not just symbolize asbestos sufferers all through the United States but render as U.S. legal counsel for Canadian provincial ...