Arts In Multicultural Classrooms

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Arts in Multicultural Classrooms

Arts in Multicultural Classrooms


This paper intends to discuss various aspects of multicultural art. Several possible and appropriate strategies that can be used for teaching art in a multicultural classroom will be explored within this paper. Multiculturalism is defined in many different manners. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the most appropriate methods or strategies that I believe teachers could employ for the purpose of teaching art in a multicultural classroom.


Multiculturalism and cultural arts are two different terms and concepts which are normally used interchangeably. It is extremely important to realize the differences between the cultural arts and multiculturalism. Multiculturalism is defined in various different manners and it has been distinguished as liberal multiculturalism and critical multiculturalism. Liberal multiculturalism is related to cultural diversity and recognition of ethnic variety. Moreover, this type of multiculturalism is also related to teaching tolerance to the students. On the other hand, critical multiculturalism is related to the overall practices and institutions prevailing within societies (Douglas & Rachel, 1999).

I believe it is extremely important for the teachers to identify the differences between the cultural arts and teaching arts multicultural classrooms. Cultural arts include music, drama and art as the fundamental tools for the purpose of developing mind and body and preserving the values of the societies thereby. On the other hand, different groups of cultures represent multiculturalism. Teachers in our society must be able to recognize various significant strategies for the purpose of teaching arts to a multicultural classroom because our society is one of the most multicultural in nature. Various religious and ethnic backgrounds students form multicultural classrooms (Elliot & Michael, 2004). .

In my opinion, educators must recognize various important cultural differences for the purpose of delivering education of arts in the best possible manner. Teachers must formulate appropriate strategies after analyzing the varying cultural differences present in the classrooms for the purpose of teaching art. Art must be taught in such a manner that every student starts identifying their own cultural identity along with an attitude that respect and appreciate art of other cultures. International schools are more prone to the aspect of diversity. The teachers of international schools must be able to understand the cultural diversity than the teachers of a national school. However, teachers within our society need to learn and recognize the cultural differences in any case (Dorothy, 2006).

I believe the first and most important issue that is raised while teaching arts in multicultural classrooms relates to the issue of ownership. There are various religions that do not allow imitating things which are sacred or traditional in their cultures. Similarly, teaching art in such a manner that makes students proud of their own cultural heritage while respecting the cultures of other students is an extremely tricky task to do. The basic thing that all teachers need to learn before teaching arts in multicultural classrooms is to make themselves aware about the various underlying features of all the cultures they intend to teach within ...
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