Artificial Intelligence

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Artificial Intelligence

Table of Contents



Artificial Intelligence1

Similarity and Difference between Learning Management Systems (LMS) and Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS)1

Theoretical Issues and Limitations of Artificial Intelligence2

Smart Robotic Arm3

Expert System4

Methods for the use of Artificial Intelligence Techniques5

Decision Trees5

Artificial Neural Network6



Artificial Intelligence


The Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a branch of computer science, associated with the artificial analogy through computer programs as natural phenomena. Human mental capacity mimic, associated rules of syntax on the basis of programming, and then making of judgments about a problem whose solution descried faster than humans, developed through artificial intelligence expert systems.


Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence is a science which has rapt researches but also writers, philosophers and filmmakers. Man has tried to understand the process of thinking for thousands of years. Experts, working in the field of Artificial intelligence, try to create intelligence and try to understand the nature of intelligence as it the one of the most modern areas of science. Shortly after World War II, first work in the area of AI began, in 1956, its name proposed. Along with molecular biology, scientists of other specialties often indicate artificial intelligence, as an area in which they most wanted to work. Physics students justifiably believe that all great discoveries in their field have already been made by Newton, Einstein, Galileo, and other scientists, but AI, on the other hand, still offers opportunities for the demonstration of multiple talents of these scientists.

Similarity and Difference between Learning Management Systems (LMS) and Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS)

Learning Management Systems (LMS) and Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS) deliver an interactive experience to the learner and are like store electronic content. To sophisticated simulations from basic gap fill exercises, performance based grading by evaluating user input and offering assessment, any number of content interactions they present.

The main difference between ITS and LMS is that, based on the input into the system, the latter provides learners a direct, customized feedback. It employs a variety of Artificial Intelligence techniques to inform, understand and direct the user after the completion of exercises. It replicates as a role of a tutor, which effectively guides and coaches the student through the content.

ITS, is intensive in terms of resources required to build it and expert knowledge, but it sound ideal. A greater degree of tactic knowledge, containing qualitative knowledge, this increases if qualitative instead of quantitative. Moreover, through the learning experience, LMS uses individual exercises to offer a path. Different varieties of formats can easily edit the content. LMS can not provide the intelligent feed back like ITS does, provided correct answers of each completed exercises to learners. Thus, ITS provide faster learning with a shorter space of time with greater learning value.

The subject of artificial intelligence is covering a big list of scientific fields, ranging from such common tasks as learning and perception, and ending with tasks as playing chess, writing poetry, solving mathematical theorems, and diagnosis of diseases. Issues of automated systematized intellectual challenges are there in artificial intelligence; therefore, it is truly a universal scientific ...
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