Artificial Conception and Surrogacy Legal Boundaries in UAE and Islamic Jurisprudence by ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I would take this opportunity to thank my research supervisor, family and friends for their support and guidance without which this research would not have been possible. DECLARATION I, [type your full first names and surname here], declare that the contents of this dissertation/thesis represent my own unaided work, and that the dissertation/thesis has not previously been submitted for academic examination towards any qualification. Furthermore, it represents my own opinions and not necessarily those of the University. Signed __________________ Date _________________ ACKNOWLEDGEMENT2 DECLARATION3 CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION5 Section 1: Ways of Artificial Birth6 Concepts And Methodology11 Models And Phenomena16 Direct cDNA Screening28 cDNA Selection29 Exon trapping29 Zoo blotting32 Modern methods of gene finding33 Cloning as Artificial Birth35 How to Clone37 Ligation37 Preparation of DNA for ligation38 Generation of sticky ends39 Generation of blunt ends41 Vectors43 Origin of replication44 Selectable marker44 Optional features44 Sequences that enable recombinant selection45 Primer binding sites46 Reporter genes46 In-frame genes encoding easily purifiable proteins47 loxP sites47 Cos sites47 Plasmids48 M13 bacteriophage48 Bacteriophage lambda50 Cosmids/fosmids52 P1 bacteriophage vectors52 Bacterial artificial chromosomes53 P1 artificial chromosomes53 Human artificial chromosomes54 Introduction of Deoxyribonucleic Acid into the Cell55 Transfer into bacteria55 Transformation55 Electroporation55 Transfection56 Infection57 Transfer into eukaryotic cells57 CHAPTER 2: INTERNAL INSEMINATION58 Definition58 Is it against fate and Allah Almighty's wish?61 The way it is done61 The Awra of a woman62 Awra inside prayer (Salat)63 Awra in privacy and seclusion65 Awra in front of the husband66 Awra in front of Muslim women66 Awra in front of (Muslim) Mahrams (unmarriageable kin)67 Awra in front of non-Mahram males68 Awra in front of non-Muslim women70 Awra in front of non-Muslim Mahrams72 Conditions of Internal Insemination75 Between Married Couples76 Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome (OHSS)77 Retrieving the Oocytes79 Collecting and Preparing the Sperm80 Insemination of Eggs and Embryo Culture80 Transferring Embryos to the Uterus81 Alternatives to IVF-ET85 The agreement of both couple85 Insemination during the marriage life86 The aim of the insemination must be the treatment of the couple's infertility87 Internal Insemination is the only possible way to have children88 The Interference of a third Party89 Legal and Ethical Views on Interference (Al-Hokum)90 Cloning technology90 Cloning and the disappearance of sexual reproduction92 Child enhancement: Parental cloning93 Cloning as an investment: Economic cloning98 The role of property rights: appropriability mechanisms99 Determinants of the market for clones102 The supply side104 Supply of surrogates105 Donating the Fertilized Ovum from a Legal Perspective105 The legal nature of the act of giving the fertilized ovum107 The rights or the power of the donor on the donation108 Is it legal or illegal to donate a fertized ovum?109 CHAPTER 3: IN VITRO FERTIZATION (IVF)112 Definition112 IVF / ICSI is a five step procedure113 Step 1: Ovarian Stimulation & Monitoring113 Step 2: Egg Retrieval114 Ultrasound-guided Aspiration114 Laparoscopy-guided Aspiration115 Step 3: Fertilization115 Step 4: Embryo Transfer116 Step 5: Luteal Support116 IVF in Shari'a and Law117 In Islamic Law118 IVF and Sunni Teachings121 What is allowed?121 NOT allowed:122 In UAE Law125 Freezing126 CHAPTER4: SURROGACY128 Definition128 Types of surrogacy129 Traditional surrogacy (TS)129 Traditional surrogacy & donor sperm (TS/DS)129 Gestational surrogacy (GS)129 Gestational surrogacy & egg donation (GS/ED)129 Gestational surrogacy & donor sperm (GS/DS)130 Gestational surrogacy & donor embryo (GS/DE)130 Legality of Surrogacy130 Surrogacy Contract131 The Impact of the Baby M Case132 Pre-Birth Court Orders132 Making Families or Selling Babies?133 Finalizing the Contract133 SECTION 2: RULES OF ARTIFICIAL CONCEPTION134 CHAPTER 5: ARTIFICIAL CONCEPTION, A RIGHT OR A WISH?134 Artificial conception right?134 The competing freedoms134 The obligation on the physician in charge of the insemination135 The obligation of the third parties in front of the patients136 Regulating the desire to have children136 The conditions of artificial conception137 The purpose of artificial conception137 Abortion138 Forgery139 Sexual Harrasment140 Actions that should be illegal141 CHAPTER 6: PROVING PATERNITY143 The rules of paternity in Islamic Law143 Fatherhood144 The ...
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