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This paper intends to discuss and critique two articles related to international and global social work policy. The articles selected for the purpose of critique focus over the specific international or global policy issues which involves the social workers here in United States of America and abroad. This paper will also discuss how social workers tend to get engaged in practice to advance social and economic well being. The articles will be analyzed by providing complete bibliographic information and the identification and description of the policies. Also, the target population for which the policies are directed or applied will be assessed. Deliverance of social work services for the population will be assessed. The purpose of this paper is to make the readers aware about the social work and its significance through different articles.

Article One

Complete Bibliographic Reference to the Article

Gao, Q. & Zhai, F. (2012) Anti-Poverty Family Policies in China: A Critical Evaluation; Asian Social Work and Policy Review 6 Pp. 122-135

Identification and Description of Policy

The article has discussed one of the most important anti poverty policy that China implements. China has developed anti poverty family policy with a name of Minimum Living Standard Assurance (MLSA). This policy remains an effective effort towards reducing the underlying poverty that creates several serious challenges for the government of China. The aim of the policy is to assure safe sustenance of the poor families living in China. The article has discussed various important issues like implications and expansion programs related to the policy. The MLSA basically require local governments to set up a standard for minimum living which can reflect respectable consumption needs of every poor family (Gao & Zhai, 2012).

Identification and Discussion of Target Population

The article has clearly identified and discussed the target population for whom the policy has been made. The policy was initiated in Shanghai for the purpose of coping up with the Rural China. The policy witnessed huge successes in the initial years. The target population of the policy remains the poor people of China. However, the entire target population has not yet been provided with the benefits intended. Also, the local governments within China are targeted as they are provided with the responsibility of providing minimum living standards to all the poor families coming within their jurisdiction (Behrendt, 2002).

Specific Examples Illustrating International and Local Social Workers

The basic essence of MLSA revolves around generosity, coverage, targeting, and anti-poverty effectiveness. The international and local social workers both tend to work for the betterment of poor and with an aim to provide better living standards to the poor. Therefore, the different graphs shown throughout the article reveal the extent to which generosity, coverage and anti poverty effectiveness has been achieved. Also, the international and local social workers tend to work for the better education, health and housing for the poor.

Evaluation of the Policies and Relationship to the National Policy

The article has well evaluated the policy of China and its impact over the poverty reduction within ...
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