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Digital Literacy

The author has pointed some pictures on the literacy of technology and innovations which is digital literacy. Digital literacy includes literacy of using technology. It may includes using cyberspace, java scripts in this age of Web 2.0. It also includes network digital literacy that users should know what is happening with their uploaded files. The literacy also includes risk assessments of various kinds especially to the hackers and intruders. Today, there is the advancement in the field of technology. Every other day brings new ideas, revolutions and advancement in the field of information technology.

Today, all the people, are connected with the vast network through the internet. It is easy to interact with each other through various means. There are many social circles and chat clients which bring the people close to each other. Today, people can see their relatives live on webcam. They can get any news and record related to anything including their family history, ancestor's record, friends and co-workers record. The web02 also allows users to interact each other in a social media dialogues same as the creators. The examples of web02 are social networking sites, blogs, wiki, video sharing sites, web applications and mashups. The current generation is the generation of web02.

Each organization and individuals are communicating with each other, using web02. Students are expecting to see more technologies in their school time when the bell rings to the final bell. Educational institutes are searching for new tools and methods, to adopt technology. These technologies are essential in making the future of students brighter as compared to the past when job opportunities were not high. When technology develops, and advances there are also problems associated with the advancement. There are many hackers and intruders around us. Teachers have to be digital literate in order to communicate with children. Teacher must teach students about the values of lives and, student must not become addicted of computers. Teachers and students should also believe in philosophical and ethical frame of work.

Social Networking

Facebook is the latest example of Cloud Computing, which has thousands of servers in order to connect millions of users. Today, there is the advancement in the field of technology. Every other day brings new ideas, revolutions and advancement in the field of information technology. Today, all the people, are connected with the vast network through the internet. It is easy to interact with each other through various means. There are many social circles and chat clients which bring the people close to each other. Today, people can see their relatives live on webcam. They can get any news and record related to anything including their family history, ancestor's record, friends and co-workers record. There are many websites, which keeps the record of our friends and relatives. These websites enable to interact with them easily as well as it is easy to find a lost friend through these sites. Few individuals use these sites to remember every record of their ...
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