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Article Summary

Article Summary

Overview of the article's purpose and main theme

During the past ten years the areas of gerontology and communal work have paid close vigilance to Latino elders in the United States.

Overview of findings of the research conducted by the author

This item accounts on the outcome of a study analyzing the desires of Puerto Rican elders in a New England town and the function of children in the caregiving process. Sons as prime caregivers have not been addressed in deepness in the literature. Recommendations are made for communal employees employed in gerontology to maximize outreach and support to caregiving sons.

The hardworking involvement of Chicano/Latino elderly with expanded families has been the most widespread topic in the learned literature. This literature furthermore often examines how the family is involved with assisting the elderly contend with the burdens and difficulties of aging in American society. In searching to interpret how the elderly can decline their vulnerability and how humanity can hold the elderly incorporated, the organisation of the family has been conceptualized as the centered organisation in the lives of Chicano and Latin0 elderly. To realise and interpret why Chicano/Latin0 elderly are more incorporated into their families than are Anglo elderly, the notion offumilism is generally drawn upon. Familism has been recognised as an significant constituent amidst Chicano, Puerto Rican, and Cuban families. Familism has been conceptualized as a functional occurrence, a functional conclusion blended with a normative force, and a solely heritage condition. Writing from a functional place, Baca Zinn (1979) and Cantor (1979) talk about familism in periods of discernable functional constituents, encompassing multigenerational families and expanded kinship networks. Familism is a functional pattern that most likely evolved to supply financial and emotional support in the face of external hostility and exploitation. Others, for example Maldonado and Garcia, ...
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