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Article Summary


The article discusses that the considering leaving your spouse? You need a solid exit plan. Pre-divorce planning involves carefully planning out often-overlooked aspects of your life. Start with where you are now. Determine where you would like to be after your divorce. We'll help you to develop a plan of action to make it happen. A good pre-divorce plan requires methodical preparation in the months leading up to informing your spouse you want a divorce. The better your plan, the smoother the divorce will go. And the better your position will be in your post-divorce life.

Article Summary

The article states that the Divorce rates in India are amongst the lowest in the world. 11 marriages out of 1,000 marriages (around 1 marriage out of 100 marriages) end up to divorce in India. ((Census, 1991) This figure was even low in 1990. In 1990, 7.40 marriages out of 1,000 marriages ended up in divorce in India. The divorce rate in India is even quite lower in the villages in India and higher in urban parts of India. These days divorce rates in India's urban sphere are shooting up.

Some facts from CIA Worldbook for comparison with US

--Infant mortality rate

India - 64.9 deaths/1,000 live births

USA -6.76 deaths/1,000 live births

--Life expectancy at birth

India 62.5 years

USA 77.26 years

--Birth rate

India - 24.79 births/1,000 population

USA - 14.2 births/1,000 population

--Death rate

India -8.88 deaths/1,000 population USA - 8.7 deaths/1,000 population

--Divorce rates

US - 50%

India - 1.1%

Divorce Rates

The article states that the decision to end a marriage is not an easy one and we're here to help you while you make important choices that will affect your life for years to come. The process of litigation can be injurious to everyone involved as well as expensive. Our goal is to help you develop a healthier way to move though the necessary, and often overlooked, steps along the way from start to finish, and beyond. Pre-divorce planning is not about taking your spouse for all you can. It's about making smart choices with a clear mind to get a fair settlement. (Census, 1991)

The article states that the idea of parenting plans has essentially grown out of attempts to resolve the sole custody/primary caretaker versus joint custody debate.

In India some form of parenting plan legislation has been enacted, and the resolution of this debate has involved the elimination of adversarial and "ownership" language, replaced by new language which emphasizes children's needs and parental responsibilities.

The author in this article states that outlines a number of fundamental assumptions underpinning the parenting plan concept. First, it is assumed that parents need a divorce process that helps them to focus on their children's needs at a time when their own multiple transitions and losses render them relatively insensitive to these needs. The parenting plan approach focuses primarily on children's needs, mandating that parents consider the variety of functions that constitute post divorce parenting and allocate responsibility for these functions. Second, it is assumed that the interests of the majority of children are best served by the ...
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