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Gender in the Slash Film

Ideological mutations and social phenomena are usually revealed in the slasher film. In general, the low horror and pornography are depicted whereas they portray the vision set outside the aesthetic system that is most likely to be deceived by extravagant production values and artistic management. The slasher film's exposure towards gender and sex in particular make their contribution towards sub-cultural attitudes (Clover & Carol, 1987). The shortest terms with a world where female and male are at frantic balances along with femininity and masculinity being the shapes of mind than body are exaggerated in the slasher film. A clear picture about the current sexual attitudes in relational to the segment of the population emerging from the audience is highlighted in the proposition of this article regarding the slasher film.

My comments about the reading

For the arousal bodily sensation, pornography and horror are the two specific genres out lined in the slasher film. It is observed that the years between 1974 and 1986 have changed; representation of women and their use of phallic symbols in the film were more focused. For filmmakers, showing one beautiful women being gruesomely murdered attracts the audience more, that's why the murders of woman are filmed in more vivid detail. There were few female killers and their way and reasons of killing differed from those of men. For premature destruction, the sexual transgressors of both sexes are scheduled in the slasher film. The dominant genre is about having sex before or afterwards of being killed. Some girls are shown as the motivational for the killer as they are female. In the slasher film, beautiful, young and sexual loose women are mostly the victims of the killer as the audience prefers watching them being murdered more than a man or an ugly girl. The ...
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