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In the article “Your E-Book Is Reading You” Alexandra Alter explores the concept of E-Readers that how they are used to read the readers. Before these E-Readers, publishers and authors had no way to find out what type of readers were purchasing their books? Who are the readers? How much time they take to finish a book? Do they really finish or give up in the middle? After the invention of E-Readers and with the help of increased technology, retailers, publishers and authors can get answers to all such questions.

I feel this technology is an important advancement in the E-Book industry which will revalorize the whole concept of publishing business as well as reader's habits. The authors and publishers will be able to learn about their customers, their choice and preferences and the reading habits. The readers will feel connected to the authors through feedback and suggestions and through reading their preferred storyline (Kanouse, 2012). Regarding the privacy of the reader's habit, I think that e-retailers are not using the data for negative purposes. They do not publicize, who is reading what but just publish what is read the most and preferred among the readers.

While digital music is becoming more and more important, the electronic books are still not very common and for good reason: books are linked to emotions, they are handy, they can all handle, turn the pages and feel the paper (Reeser, 2011). All this does not work in an E-book Reader. Turning the pages with the arrow keys is just not the same thing. Also they may have economy and class, but they still do have not the unparalleled charm of a real book. E-book Readers also have real advantages over normal books. Most E-Book readers support a full text search and this is just for reference books. Must be searched manually, so not long after the appropriate paragraph, one enters the search term and has an immediate result (Toly, 2011). This is not only faster but also much more comfortable. Therefore, today nearly 30% of all trade books are sold as E-books, while the percentage is low for non-fiction. Offered at the 130,000 titles, Amazon's book as well as normal E-book, E-books make purchases of only 6% of sales (Sandler, 2011). Sometimes I ask myself the advantages of an E-Reader, or whether it is worth leaving traditional books and switch to digital book. It is a decision a reader should take on the basis of some advantages and disadvantages of the E-Reader, which are discussed below.


Never miss the sheet on which you left off. An E-Reader automatically remembers the last page in which you left a book. You can also mark the pages that interest you for any reason. Bad luck for those who sell spacers, though. It weighs much less than a book. I have about 120 books loaded on my E-Reader, which obviously, I could never carry in my bag otherwise. Even five or six books would weigh much more ...
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