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Article review on The Complexities of care nursing reconsidered

Article review on The Complexities of care nursing reconsidered


The profession of nursing is facing crisis and a report has recently published in the journal of Health Affairs which states that males are leaving the profession at a double rate as compared to the females. It is believed by the nurses that if the profession of nursing is supported and its recruitment is increased then it can be helpful in increasing the skills and scientific knowledge of nurses. Most of the studies have tried to strengthen the good image of nurses which is the good work carried by nice and kind ladies. The discussed chapter also aims towards the point that the role of nurses is the combination of mind and heart and it is the main desirable quality of the knowledge and work. The study of past times has shown that the nurses emerged in the nineteenth century because the industrialization and urbanization also increased the demand of nurses. The development of the profession was also depended upon establishment of modern hospitals and scientific medicine. Medicine was also gaining fame in the nineteenth century and the females who wanted to work as doctors or nurse also became active. The nurses started to face the patriarchal assumptions and medical opposition. In the middle of the century, a campaign was conducted by Florence Nightingale and she based it on two pillars. She also established a secular hospital and educated nurses were hired there. An extract from a study indicates that the nursing is considered as a loving profession. There are several situations and stories are also discussed in the chapter which indicates the nature of nurses and they are considered as angels.


The most significant thing that is identified about the work of nurses is care and their profession is a caring profession. The rules and regulations of the profession also indicate it as a caring science. The nurses are included among the most trustworthy people because they maintain a care reputation. These days the nurses are under threat in every country of the world may it be an academic sector or a practice setting. This situation is not a natural or an accidental situation but logically the nurses and their organizations have greatly emphasized on high caliber of nurses and are not focusing on the contributions and knowledge of nurses (ANA, 2010, pp.12). The work of nurses according to the study is not relational and expressive and many problems have also been created because of the oversimplification of their caring attitude. The work of nurses can be more effective when they are able to understand the relation ship between the nurse and the patient. The main responsibility of a nurse is to provide care according to the needs of the patients. The need of care of patient is dependent on the role of nurses (Gianfermi & Buchholz, 2011, pp.1012-1019). When care is not provided to the patients due to any ...
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