Article Review

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Article Review

Article Review


In the last 2 decades, because of the importance for both individuals and organizations, a good deal of research attention has been acquired by organizational citizenship behavior (OCB). Researchers have gone beyond the analysis of satisfaction for identification of other OCB's predictors. Numerous dispositional, attitudinal, and individual difference measures have been examined by the researchers. Though the most robust correlate has been job satisfaction; however, leader support perceptions and organizational commitment are also included among additional attitudinal predictors. Moreover, leadership behaviors (e.g., supportive leader behavior and contingent reward behavior) have been related to OCB consistently. The studies examining outcomes of OCB has found that OCB increases performance of business unit and work group. The study under review is also linked to OCB and it is beneficial for both the individuals at the managerial level and organizations.

Summary of the Article

The article that is chosen for review is of Al-Sharafi & Rajiani (2013)'s promoting organizational citizenship behavior among employees: the role of leadership practices. The article investigates the association among OCB and leadership behaviors and organizational commitment's mediating effect on this relationship. The article under review examines how the leadership practices exert their impact on the Organizational Citizenship Behavior in context of developing country. The collection of data was done through questionnaire from 108 non managerial banks employees of 16 commercial banks. It is found by the study that there exists a significant positive impact of practices of leadership on the OCB and organizational commitment. Moreover, the the relationship between leadership and OCB is partially mediated by organizational commitment.

The study implies that a key role is played by leadership practices in increasing both of OCB and organizational commitment among employees which eventually lead to an innovative and a high productive environment. Good organizational behavior, i.e., satisfaction, increased commitment, less ...
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