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Critical Article Review: Life experiences of security and insecurity among women with chronic heart failure

Critical Article Review: Life experiences of security and insecurity among women with chronic heart failure


Analyzing and critiquing any article is not an easy task as a number of factors require attention and evaluation from the perceptual concepts of self and the available literature data (Vance et al., 2013, p. 68-69). Moreover, analyzing any research work in detail also helps in highlighting the possible innovations, betterments and shortcomings related to that research; which can be used to smartly develop future researches in a better way (Girasek, Eke & Szocska, 2010, p..

The article selected for review namely “Life experiences of security and insecurity among women with chronic heart failure” provides a rare and golden opportunity to learn about different domains of a qualitative research. In order to better understand about the article, an in depth discussion regarding its relevant sections is required.

Reflection of Title in the Content

Looking at the title of the research and after analyzing the research article completely, it can be stated that the author has definitely conducted the research in accordance with the mentioned title. The reviewed literature, interviewed participants and proposed findings are all in alignment with the research title.

Credibility of Authors

It is indeed necessary to test the credibility of the authors before looking at the research. The central idea behind this is that if the authors of the research are not worth trusting, the reliability and validity of the research would be at question. Looking at the article's author's one of them is a lecturer, two are assistant professors and the fourth is a professor. Therefore, their credentials and credibility are not under any doubt at all. Moreover, the authors are professionals in the field of nursing.

Key Components in the Abstract

The article begins with the abstract which is a total summation of everything mentioned within the article. The best part of the abstract is that it presents all the key information regarding the Aim, Method, Findings and Conclusion of the article which is the central point of the entire research.

Aim of the Research

The selected research article provides an insight into the perceptions of women with a chronic heart failure, regarding the things they feel to be adding security and insecurity in their lives (Burstrom et al., 2011, p. 816).

Literature Review

The topic of this research is rather unique in nature as no research prior to this one has been conducted with regards to the impact of security and insecurity on women with chronic heart failure specifically (O'Connor et al., 2009, p. 1440). However, umpteenth number of research has been conducted with regards to the medical problems faced by chronic heart failure patients regardless of their gender etcetera (Peters-Klimm et al., 2010, p. 4). When read in detail, the reviewed literature provides a detailed insight into the following relevant points:

Physical Ailments observed in patients of Chronic Heart Failure

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