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Article Review

Article Review


In 2007, Hilary Lloyd and co-researcher Stephen Craig has published an article with the name, “A guide to taking a patient's history” in Nursing Standard Journal. Lloyd is a principal lecturer in nursing practice, research and development in Sunderland NHS Foundation Trust and Craig is a senior lecturer in nursing in Northumbria University. Both the researchers have worked together with the purpose to provide guidance in taking the history of patients.


Summary of the Article

The article has given the process of taking a patient's history in a sequential manner, which includes the preparation of the environment, communication skills and significance of the order. Moreover, it also explains the rationality of taking a complete and detailed history of a patient. The contribution to an efficient medical history taking in the daily clinical practice, which was made a presentation of its most significant methodological aspects (Lloyd & Craig, 2007). The overall guidelines allow appropriate support that unfolds during the clinical interview and the acquiring of the history that has to be dealt.

We believe that to achieve the orderly exchange of some or all clinically relevant information, the interviewer should first prioritize. After achieving adequate formulation of objectives suitable for the development of the clinical interview and history taking, the suggestion is to identify the following essential steps: Preparation of the Environment

Preparation of the environment is necessary before attending a patient. The use of a place and an appropriate dress, along with a brief review in the medical record data on the identification, diagnosis and treatment, avoid awkward interaction and shows the interest, courtesy and the desire to be useful.


It is necessary for a nurse to have good communication skills. The nurse has to collect information regarding the patient in a professional manner. First part of communication is an introduction and then let the patient tells his or her story in its own word. While communicating with the patient a nurse need to stay calm and must avoid using jargons and technical terms as many as possible.


The nurse has to take history of patient with a consent that can be taken by several methods under the Mental Capacity Act 2005. The consent explains that the patient has the free will to give enough information and understands and agreed to it, which will act as a base to make a decision.

The history taking process

Upon making contact with the patient interview should start ...
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