Article Review

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Article Review

Article Review


This paper intends to discuss article talking about the impact of communication disorders. The issue I have selected is communication disorders which basically relates to Speech and Language Impairments within the school setting. Children usually go through some form of communication disorders. The article I have chosen to discuss within this regard is “Bilingual children with primary language impairment: Issues, evidence and implications for clinical actions” written by Kathryn Kohnert in 2010 and published in Journal of Communication Disorders. This paper will analyze the article focusing over different issues of communication disorders like the disabilities and underlying factors that lead towards the communication disorders.

Article Review

The article tends to talk about the primary language impairment making an impact over the learning capabilities of children and providing sufficient data for clinical actions to be taken. Communication Disorders because at the heart of this disorder are problems related to language or communication skills. Communication can sometimes be complicated, difficult, and exasperating to both teacher and students in a learning situation, especially when introducing a new concept. Now, the matter becomes even more complicated when a student, struggling to understand and be understood, has a communication disorders (Kohner, 2010).

Some children just do not learn, not because they will not but because they cannot. They seemingly have the ability and teachers certainly have expectations. They do not achieve to these expectations or, for that matter, to their own expectations. Why? They have an inability to learn as most children learn, or more precisely, a disability, a learning disability (Kohner, 2010). Students with learning disabilities (LD) certainly can learn, but they cannot learn as teachers might expect. Students with LD learn very differently, so teachers need to teach very differently. It remains extremely important to analyze that learning disabilities is an apparent ...
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