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Sex, Lies, and Residence Life: Delaware's Thought Reform

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Sex, Lies, and Residence Life: Delaware's Thought Reform

The Article

The article says that the University of Delaware does not have the tolerance policy when it comes to the remotely resembling hate speech. The university has the training for the odd students which is mandatory for all students. The training was held in the dorms of the strong male RAs. The session which was mandatory for the 7000 odd students was a part of a through thought reform curriculum. It was designed by the Office of Residence Life of the university. It also included the psychological treatment of those thoughts which were not accepted, and were considered wrong. The incorrect thoughts of the students, their attitude, values, habits and belief of the students were corrected through the psychological treatment. The Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE) before proposing any idea, first studied the program of the university from the father of one of the students, studying at the university.

The aim of the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education is to protect the rights at America's colleges and universities, and sustain those individual rights. The article further says that the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education proposed a program to the public, and entered the 500 odd pages in the curriculum of the university's president. The staff of the ResLife worked hard to bring back the president who was suspended. They worked all day, and night and nonstop to bring him back. The faculty of the University of Delaware worked hard to restore the agenda of the university, rather than rejecting the racist teaching. They were adjusted to the agenda which was already set by the president of the university, so this was the reason of them working hard to get the agenda back instead of accepting the new agenda. Thus, the Delaware's Student Life Committee proposed a new proposal, which has focused to the learning outcomes. This can only be done if the thoughts, beliefs, attitude, values and behaviors of the students are changed.


Sometimes the students perceive things negatively, which affects the learning behavior of the students. For instance, at the beginning of the article, the question was asked to the student that, “When did you discover your sexual identity?” in return the student answered, “That is none of your damn business.” Here, the student took the query in a wrong ...
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